Pool Princess

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Floating around in the pool at the condo was something that I could have done forever. The water was warm, but not too much that it was uncomfortable. It was just right.

I loved watching Audrey dive in the deep end (even though she wasn't supposed to). I could tell from the look on her face how much she was enjoying it. It brought back memories of going to the pool with our friends where we would jump in the deep and all together.

I loved playing colors, doing impromptu cheerleading stunts, and saying "did you feel that". I loved playing catch and bumping into her and lifting her out of the water.

We were probably in there for hours. Other residents came and went, but for the most part we were in there alone. It was like our own private pool, made for us alone to share.

The sky was totally empty of clouds, freeing the sun to beat down on us and tan us mid-play. Thank goodness we were good about sunscreen. I can still feel my skin sizzling when it was above the surface of the water.

I don't know where the idea came from, but the urge to pull Audrey around the pool while she floated on her back was sudden and intense. I could just imagine how relaxing it might feel for her, and wanted to be able to give her that peaceful experience.

I'm sure it must have sounded crazy as I asked her to lay on her back, and I'm surprised she trusted me enough to try again after I dunked her with water because I went to fast the first time. She came up sputtering water, I had gone too fast and gotten it up her nose.

But she did trust me.

I held her by her heels as her smile and her stomach said hello to the sky.

And I walked.

Not anywhere in particular. I didn't have a destination, even if I did, I would have had to pick a new one relatively quickly - the pool wasn't all that big.

I focused on taking the longest possible paths with the fewest turns to give her the best ride. The times I did turn, I made sure they were wide. Swooping slow but still moving so that she wouldn't go under.

I was treating my pool princess to the very best I could offer.

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