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26th September 2022 After Monday Night Raw

In the Judgment Day clubhouse, they were all recuperating from the night's events differently. Rhea was biting her nails in deep thought trying to ignore Finn was arguing with Damian who was holding his ribs after being speared by Edge, for the last five minutes. Damian said loudly snapping Rhea out of her thoughts "Are you sure he has our backs?"

Finn says undecidedly "I don't know."

Rhea advocates "He will."

Damian groaned annoyed they all tried to get Y/N to join but he didn't want to and they couldn't force him to join the group. They've tried multiple ways, and each way blows up in their face.

Damian says with agitation deep in his voice after a month of failures. "Rhea I understand that you like him b-"

Finn joked "I think it's stronger than like at this point."

Rhea glares at Finn making him shut up as Damian continued "I know that you feel a certain way but look at the facts. He was here tonight and he still let Edge get the drop on us. He didn't come help us and before that, he talked to Riddle knowing that he had a match with us tonight. We all need to face facts he doesn't want to join us and at Extreme Rules we're going to need to find someone else."

Rhea shouts "Enough! He will be there." She hoped he would be there but she had to know for sure. Rhea gets up storming off and exiting their clubhouse heading to Y/N's locker room hoping that he hadn't left yet.

Y/N was about to exit his locker room heading home satisfied with his day. It was productive. He beat Seth Rollins in a match for his US title, someone he considered one of the best and was a great inspiration even copying some of his moves.

Seth was a tough match no matter the night but he was glad because Seth was the measuring stick on Monday Nights. If you beat him then people would have to take notice even after wins against Rey Mysterio and Edge, Seth was just on a different level.

But he didn't do it without interference which annoyed him the most. He hated being used as a means to send a message like he was tonight with Riddle. Y/N happily put an end to it when he saw him later but now Y/N was done and ready to go home.

He was about to exit his locker room but was stopped by Rhea. Y/N was sure she had a Y/N radar or something of the sort to find him in the most inconvenient of times. Y/N groaned still remembering their early encounter "Rhea. Come in, we need to talk"

Y/N opened the door letting Rhea enter his locker room as he followed in afterwards. Rhea looks around noticing "This place is a lot nicer than previously."

Y/N says absentmindedly "Thanks."

Rhea says uncomfortably trying to beat around the bush "Your match was great. You did exactly what you said you would. You beat Seth Rollins to retain your US title. Congrats."

Y/N says snarkily "Thanks. I would say the same but you don't seem to be wrestling anymore."

Rhea looks away "I got injured after Hell in a Cell. I got hit with a knee and got a brain injury."

Y/N mentally chews himself out for his insensitivity he didn't mean to upset her. He says apologetically "Oh, my bad. I'm sorry I didn't know. I kind of absconded social media a few months ago. How long till you're ring ready?"

Rhea forgave him "It's fine. I know you didn't mean it like that." She continued as hope filled her voice "I should be cleared in two weeks hopefully."

Y/N smiled as he took a seat on the couch as Rhea sat next to him "That's great news. I'll watch your match at ringside when the time comes."

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