✿ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғᴏᴜʀ ✿

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✿ ʏ/ɴ ᴘᴏᴠ

When I walked through the gates of UA the next day, I was greeted by Iida Tenya, who gave me a sort of robotic wave,

“Good Morning, L/N-chan.”

”Morning, Iida-kun. You doing good?”

“Yes, I'm quite fine. I was just waiting for Midoriya so we could walk in together.”


If I'm gonna be in the same class as him for the next three years, might as well attempt to rekindle our friendship. I pause, before nodding,

“I'll wait with you.”

As if on cue, I hear Midoriya call out, “Morning, you two!" As he approaches us on the pathway. I inspect the bandage wrapped around his finger from yesterday's impromptu physical session.

“So your finger healed up, then?” I ask. He nods,

“Even now, I'm still getting used to my quirk. Hopefully I'll catch up with you two soon. You're both amazing!"

Yesterday, I learnt that Iida Tenya was undeniably fast. He had engines on his legs, like many from the Iida hero family. No surprise there. Like Midoriya, during spring break I had been training my ass off to be ready for UA. I placed 10th in general following the physical examination, while Midoriya had come 21st.

“Your quirk is quite convenient, L/N-chan.” Iida agrees. I smile bashfully,

“Well, I guess so. Still working on my physical strength though,” I continue as we walk into the main hallway, “I can't constantly be relying on my paralysis.”

“Very true. I'm sure we'll all progress as the year goes on.” Midoriya hums. Iida grunts,

“I must say, I didn't think Aizawa-sensei would use a lie to encourage us. Instead of allowing us to attend the induction assembly...”

“He was so cool, wasn't he?!" I light up, “Stoic and authoritative - that's exactly what you'd expect from the most prominent underground hero!”

“He could've cut us some slack though.” Midoriya huffs.

“Hey!! Guys!! Wait up!!”

I wave at Uraraka Ochako as she catches up to walk alongside us. 

“Hey, L/N-chan!” She turns to the boys, “You're Iida Tenya and... Midoriya Deku, right?”

I snort as Midoriya makes a sound of embarrassment, frantically shaking his head.

“Really? But I heard that one boy, Bakugo call you Deku. You know him, right?”

“Y-Yeah, uh...see, Izuku is my name but...” He gulps before quickly rushing out, “Deku is a nickname he's always used to make fun of me, so-”

“An insult?” Iida muses. Midoriya nods and Uraraka gasps, “Oh! I see! Sorry, I had no idea!”

She taps her chin in thought, “I dunno...it's just that Deku sounds like the Japanese word for you can do it!! Right?”

“It kinda does, actually.” I say, more to myself than to the group. Uraraka nods,

”Anyway, I think it's really cool!”

”I guess Deku isn't so bad then...” I watch Midoriya's flustered face and suppress a laugh,

“Rather than viewing it as an insult, you should take pride in the name and reclaim it as yours!” Uraraka says. As we continue to approach our class, I fall into step behind the other two, next to Midoriya,

✿ 𝐈 𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 ✿ Bakugo K. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now