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Hello! :D I'm sorry if this is really bad. I have just started writing not that long ago and this is only my second book. I've been working on being more descriptive and as I read what I wrote I was seriously surprised by how well it sounded. Sorry its so short tho! Hope you enjoy!

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    As I grew older, life became more stressful than fun and less important. Every day is the same, and I never feel safe here in the city. Anyone could lurk in the shadows and do whatever they want with you. People are always so stressed no one notices anything happening. I wanted to leave this horrible place and start a new life, and it took me so long  to decide. It was Thursday after work when I decided I'd had enough of this nightmare. "I'm tired of this fucking hell hole." I thought. I ran home to my small, cheap, trashy apartment. I raced up the stairs two at a time and dashed to my door. I shoved the key into the door and hurried towards my bedroom to grab the letter. I shoved the letter into my pocket and grabbed my phone to call my best friend. 

    "Are you willing to move to another town with me to start a new life?" I asked quickly. 

    "... sure, but what's the occasion?" Sloane asked in a confused yet excited tone. 

    "I can't stand being here anymore. I already have a new place to live, which will be a new experience for us. It'll be fun!" 

    "When are we going to leave?" she questioned me. 

    "Does tonight sound good to you?" I asked her cautiously, trying to ensure she didn't back out. 

    "...sure. Let me pack my stuff real quick. Where do you want to meet?" 

    "You can just meet me at the nearest bus station from my apartment, and once you're there, we'll leave." 

    "Ok, sounds good." She responded.

    "Wow I thought it was going to be a lot harder to convince her." I thought.

    In about 15 minutes, we eventually got to the bus stop. The so-called "bus stop" was just a creaky old wooden bench that appeared to be about to collapse and a slightly tilted rusty sign marking the location.

    "Are you sure about this, Talia?" Sloane asked me as the bus slowly came to a stop and opened its flimsy doors. 

    "Yeah, living on a farm can't be that hard," I told her as I followed her up the bus stairs and down the thin walkway. The bus's interior had about a dozen old, faded blue chairs. The walls were painted white and the same blue as the seats. 

    "We're living on a farm?!" 

    "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that..." 

    "Talia... we have no experience in farming... how are we going have a steady income?" 

    "...I didn't think about that... How are we going to afford this? We don't know anyone there... What if no one likes us? What if the house is destroyed? Where will we stay?" 

    "Don't worry, Talia, it'll be fine! Small towns seem to always be nice, and we could probably stay at a local hotel!" 

    As we found our seats, I couldn't stop worrying about how we could stay here. Sloane kept reassuring me, but I still couldn't shake the feeling something unfortunate would happen once we got there. For a while, I stared out the window at the beautiful stars gleaming and the sky and hoped for the best as I slowly drifted into sleep.

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I hope you all enjoyed this! :D Sorry it was so short tho! I plan on writing a complete chapter tomorrow. Since this was the prologue I wanted it to be shorter and just kinda explain how they got there. If you do like this feel free to vote and comment as you wish! ❤❤❤❤❤

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