Chapter 1- Welcome to Pelican Town!

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I worked hard on this but I kinda gave up towards the end so sorry if it sucks.

  I woke up to the bus jerk suddenly, slowing to a stop at an unfamiliar place. 

    "Are we here?" I asked Sloane as I gradually sat up and looked around. It had to been late at night since the sky had dimmed quite a bit. 

    "Yeah, I think so," she replied as she stood up. 

    "Here we are, folks. The wonderful town of Pelican town."  The bus driver said sarcastically. We shuffled down the walkway towards the exit and down the steep steps. Once we got to the ground, the bus sped off into the gloomy night. The grass around us was tall and overgrown, and a few trees surrounded us. A thin, worn-down path led towards town and our new farm. A sign on the path read "Pelican Town" and "Lonely Rose Farm." Encircling us was an old rotting fence that looked to be made of pine wood.

    "Well, this looks promising!" Sloane said with an optimistic tone. 

    "Let's look at the farm and see if we can stay there. The entire thing could be a huge mess for how long it sat." I said nervously. 

    "Sounds good." We trudged up the path to inspect our new home. 

    "Can I look first?" Sloane asked. 

    "Yeah, tell me if it looks... bad." She skipped over to the end of the path and peered around the corner. 

    "Uhhhhh, come here..." I nervously shuffled towards her and glanced around. 

    "Oh my fucking god..." The place looked like a tornado had swept through and destroyed everything. 

    "What do you wanna do about it?" she said nervously. 

    "Hello! Welcome to Pelican Town! How are you, girls?" I turned around to find a woman with bright red hair and a bright beaming smile. 

    "Could be better..." I muttered.

"Oh, you must be the new farmers! The farm could be in better shape, but I can fix it for you in a few days!"  she assured us.

    "Great! But where should we stay?" questioned her. 

    "You can probably stay with Caroline and Pierre. They would love to have company! We'll at least Caroline would. I'll walk you over there if you would like." 

    "Thanks!" Sloane said. "My name is Robin, by the way. What are your names?" she asked as we walked toward town. 

    "My name's Sloane and her name is Natalia, but you can call her Talia! She's the one who inherited the farm." 

    "Good to know! Do either of you have previous farming experience?" She asked, and I shook my head. "Okay, here we are. You can walk in and say that I sent you. Goodnight!" 

    "Thank you!" Sloane called after her as we walked through the door and up to the counter. Robin seemed to be friendly. I wonder where she lives? Maybe I could visit her one time. The interior of the building had a few shelves with food and other necessities, and the walls had blue wallpaper. 

    "Hello, you must be the new farmer!" 

    "Yeah, we both are. And Robin said we could stay here for the night if it's okay with you." 

    "Okay, I'll go get my wife, and she'll show you where to go." As a few minutes passed, a woman with bright green hair and a kind smile led us to our room for the night. In the room sat a girl about my age with bright purple hair. 

    "Abigail, this is Talia," she said as she pointed to me. "This is Sloane. Talia, Sloane, this is Abigail." 

    "Nice you meet two! You can just call me Abby." 

    "Nice to meet you too! I hope you don't mind us staying here." "You're fine," she reassured us as she grinned. "It's nice to have more girls to talk to." As we lay down on our makeshift beds, I sat and listened to Abby talk for a while before I fell asleep. The following day, I woke up to Sloane mumbling something about Abigail. 

    "What's she talking about?" I muttered once I saw Abby staring at me. 

    "Nothing!" she said quickly. 

    "...sure," I said as I smirked at her. 

    "So, what do you want to do today?" She said just as quickly trying to change the subject. 

    "Uhhh, I don't know anything fun around here." 

    "True. Oh, I know! Do you want to go to the saloon with me and a few friends tonight? It'll be fun!" 

    "Can I get wasted?" I laughed, joking. 

    "Yeah, I'll join ya." She chuckled. 

    "What time is it even?" 

    "11:30," she said as she glanced at her watch. How is it already 11:30?! 

    "I slept that long?!" 

    "Yup." "Could you tell me some stories of the city? I heard that's where you moved from, and I've always wanted to go." As she said that, I froze, remembering all the terrible things that had happened to me. How could someone ever what to live there?

     "I wouldn't live there if I were you," I blurted. 

     "Why? I thought it would be amazing."  she said as her smile faded.

     "I've... I've had some bad things happen to me there." I whispered. 

     " what?" she asked quietly. "If you don't mind me asking, of course." 

     "Asking what? What did I miss?" Sloane said groggily and laughed as we both jumped. 

     "Nothing much," I assured her. 

     "Oh, okay, can we do something? I'm getting bored." 

     "You just woke up!" Abbi exclaimed, and Sloane laughed. "I could show you both around town and then around 4:00, we could head to the saloon and have some fun." After Abby said fun, Sloane raised her eyebrows and smirked as we laughed. 

    "Okay, I suppose I'll show you around now." 

    "Sounds good." Abby stopped at a blue house near the river as we walked around town. 

     "Come on!" she said, motioning us into the house. 

     "Uhhh, whose house is this?" Sloane asked her as we walked into the mysterious home and to a door. 


    "Who?" Sloane said as Abigail let herself in and led us in. 

     "Hi, Abby, I'm definitely gonna beat Seb tonight," he stopped once he realized we were there too. "Oh, hello! You must be the new farmers!" he said grinned happily. He glanced at us both but then looked back, studied me for a few seconds, grabbed his phone, and tapped madly at the screen. Weird. "Nice to meet you both! Do they want to join us tonight?" 

    "Yup! Even if they don't, I'll drag them to the saloon anyway." 

    "Okay, does Seb know?" 

     "Nah, he needs to meet more people anyway, " she laughed. 

     "Do you wanna head towards the saloon? Or wait a while?" 

     "We can go. I suppose it won't be long before we usually get there." We all left the room and walked towards a brick building that read "The Stardrop Saloon." 

     "You ready to have fun?" Abigail grinned as we dragged me into the bustling saloon.

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