Chapter 5

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I took a break from work for a few days and today would be my last day of that break. After the incident I was too embarrassed to come back to work for a while. I felt that I may have overreacted but I'm still upset that he even spoke to me like that

I got out of bed to take a shower, as I was getting undressed I looked at the scars on my body. I have many burns and scratches from the neck down. I do my best to cover them up and I also wear clothes that cover my body. I began to cry once I reached into my cabinet to grab my pills

I have severe PTSD and ever since the incident with Mr.Stevens happened, I've had an episode everyday

I took a long shower with hot water, it always made me feel like all the issues are just getting washed away

When I got out I went outside to take a walk. I needed time to breathe, I've been feeling so overwhelmed. My parents' death date always brings back memories, Naomi is only making things worse, I had a client who caused me to have an episode, and now my doctors are trying to say that I need professional help

I just need to breathe. Just breathe

I continued the rest of my walk for about twenty minutes and decided to go back home

I noticed a familiar car pulling up and I immediately began to walk faster

"Where you think you runnin off to So? I heard the familiar voice say

"Raymond, please leave me alone. I'm not in the mood just go." I said as I continued to walk while he followed me in his car

Deciding against going home because I would be alone and he would try to do something to me, I walked to the nearest gas station

He followed me the whole way...

"Hi Mr.Jones." I said with a big smile

Mr.Jones used to be my 1st and 2nd grade science teacher, he now owns his own store

"Hey ladybug, you feelin ok?" He asked as he returned the smile

"Ya I'm ok, but can I stand behind the counter with you please?" I asked

He looked at me with a knowing look and nodded his head. As I made my way behind the counter I heard the door open

"Waddup Mr. J." Raymond said with a fake smile on his face

Mr. Jones and Raymond got into it many times because Raymond wouldn't leave me alone

"Get outta here Raymond, this ain't no place you need to be." Mr. Jones said with a voice full of anger

"I didn't say anything but a greeting, and I want you to tell her to come from behind the counter." Raymond said with an eerie tone

Mr. Jones laughed as he walked from behind the counter, standing in front of Raymond. Mr. Jones was a very tall and buff man, so him standing next to Raymond made him look like a giant

"You must be hard of hearin, I remember tellin you to leave. These ain't no parts you need to be!" Mr. Jones said as I could see him getting angrier

"I'm not gon say it no mo Raymon, get yo ass outta here before I be the reason you can't walk anywhere no more." Mr. Jones said as he stepped closer to Raymond

Everybody knew that Mr. Jones was a very friendly man, until he wasn't. He could be many people's worst nightmare and he has before. Mr. Jones was formerly part of one of the most dangerous gangs in Atlanta, even though he doesn't participate in those activities anymore he still can get like that if he needs to. One thing he didn't play about was the people he cared for

"Alright Mr. J, I'm out." Raymond said with a smirk

"I'ma tell you this one last time, don't bring yo ass roun here no more. Cuz if I see you it ain't gon be no mo warmin, I'ma kill yo ass. Try me if you want, you know how I could get Raymond." Mr. Jones said

I looked down seeing his gun in his pocket

Raymond walked out after nodding his head

"Thank you Mr. Jones, I'm sorry I came in here but I didn't want to go home with him following me."

"Ladybug, you gotta take this more serious. This nigga walkin roun harrassin you. I'm tellin you if I see him over here, or if I even hear you stressin bout him...I'ma kill him." Mr. Jones said

"Ok, I'm sorry. I just didn't want the situation to go too far." I said

It's already gone too far, but I'll keep those things to myself

"Oh let me tell you about my last client."

I told him about my client and the way that situation turned out

"He best calm down fore he be smoked." He said once I finished explaining

I laughed shaking my head because Mr. Jones is always willing to get violent

*I'll see you soon my hunnies❤️🫶🏾

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