Chapter Three: The Truth Bleeds Through

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Dean shook his head, getting the idea that this was Cas out of his head. He took quick long strides over to the person, raising his gun to the other man's head as he looked at him. Despite Dean's best attempts at dismissing this, it was Cas's face looking back at him. Bloodied, beaten, tired, dirtied, unconscious Cas. Dean took particular note that Cas looked unbelievably peaceful in his unconscious state. His eyelashes were pressed lightly against the skin of his under eye. His eyebrows weren't furrowed like they were most of the time. His hair was dirty and greasy, however, not in a bad way. In the way that brings a wife pride as she sees her husband for the first time after a long day's work, his hair greasy from the hard word put in to provide. He dropped the gun, placing it in the back of his waistband. Dean gently placed his hand on Cas's cheek, slapping it lightly. Dean didn't say anything in fear that he would realize it was a stranger, not Cas. After Castiel didn't open his eyes, Dean quickly grabbed his arms, pulling the angel into a sitting position then bringing his shoulder to Cas's hips in order to fling him over his shoulder. With this, Dean ran out of the building and toward where Sam was hopefully still at. As Dean ran back to the corner where he left Sam, he was surprised to see that Sam was sitting, leaning against the wall, chewing on his fingernails. Dean heaved, setting Cas down on the ground, placing his right hand on the back of his head so that it wouldn't hit the ground too hard, as he saw Sam's surprised expression.

"Dean, what did you do to him?" Sam crawled to the ground next to where Cas was laid. Dean had his hands on his knees as he breathed heavily. Castiel wasn't particularly heavy, however running at a sprint with the weight of another full grown man was difficult for his lungs to say the least. Dean put up one of his pointer fingers, signaling to Sam to give him a moment to catch his breath. This is when Sam took in the look of his brother. The elbow of his right flannel was torn slightly, most likely from rubbing it against the brick wall on the way to the building. Blood stuck to his face, neck, hands, and clothes.

"Dean?" He tried again. This time Dean only looked at Cas, with hopeful eyes. Dean kneeled down next to Cas's body, placing two fingers to his neck. He sighed a breath of relief as he felt pounding against his fingers. He sat on the ground, crisscrossed and set Cas's head in his lap. He told himself it was for if Cas were to have a concussion. That way it would be easier for Dean to get him on his side if he were to throw up. However, deep down, he knew that the reason he did this was because it brought a strange feeling of comfort.

"Dean!" Sam tried again, this time Dean made eye contact with his brother. "What the hell happened in there?" Sam's voice was less steady than his normal voice. This is when Dean realized how this must have looked to the younger Winchester. Cas, bloodied, beat, and unconscious. Dean, blood sprayed all over his body, his eyes wide and bloodshot. Dean sighed, placing his left hand behind him so that he could lean back and his right hand resting on Castiel's right shoulder.

"I didn't do this to him. It was a croat. It must have knocked him out before I shot it." Dean said the second part quieter, trying to deter from the fact that he had taken down two croats without the help of his brother. Regardless of how Dean thought his brother was going to react, Sam only nodded.

"We can't stay out in the open like this. Our scent could get caught in a breeze and lead a group right to us." Sam spoke softly. He knew Dean could become irritable when it came to the people he cared about.

"We can't just continue on our way with Cas being unconscious. I can't carry him for that long." Dean softly brushed a strand of Castiel's black hair out of his face, smiling so softly that Sam almost thought it was a figment of his imagination. Sam nodded, raking a hand through his hair as he thought about where they could go.

"There's this abandoned barn, it's a couple of miles outside of the city. It'll take us roughly three hours to get there, but that's without the breaks, and the slow paced moving throughout the city to avoid croats. It would take most of the day, but we would be generally safe there. It would be roof over our heads for the night. Hopefully Cas will be awake by morning." Sam rambled on, Dean only staring blankly at him. Once his brother stopped talking, Dean nodded, gently setting Cas's head on the concrete and standing up, preparing himself to drape Castiel over his shoulder again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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