The dark navy ranger

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Ash after Pearl and her friends for the first time got him thinking that maybe he should try school out so he went to a dark alley and pulled out a necklace to talk with Nightmare

Ash: hey Nightmare 

Nightmare: yes my dear Ash

Ash: so I was wondering if I am going to be out here do you think I can go to school here 

Nightmare: why would you need to go to school when I trained you to be a ruthless warrior like me since the moment you could walk 

Ash: maybe when I find the rangers I can get close to them and strike when they have their guard down 

Nightmare: fine but remember they are the enemy *hangs up*

Ash: wow that actually worked

Then the next day Ash headed to Trollstoplis High School for the first time and he was surprised to see how many trolls around his age were there then he bumps into Pearl again 

Pearl: I'm so sorry *sees that it's Ash* wait it's you*blushes* 

Ash: are you okay 

Pearl: yeah I'm fine 

Rose: *holding Fin's hand* wait you're that guy we met yesterday 

Fin: oh you guys met him

Rose: yeah he's a interesting person 

Fin: well I'm Fin and this is my girlfriend Rose and our friend Pearl

Ash: oh I'm Ash

Rose: I thought you were homeschooled 

Ash: oh I was but I was able to convince my dad to let me attend school 

Then Ash attended some classes and he was shocked with how nice everyone is to him since Nightshade, and Shadow would make fun of him while Shade just ignores him 

Then after school he sees Shadow with some henchmen and Jaws

Ash: Shadow what are you doing here 

Shadow: it's time for the dark ranger to make his debut 

Ash: but 

Shadow: no buts Ash Nightmare wants those crystals and you certainly don't want to get scars like Nightshade do you 

Ash: no 😔

Shadow: then I suggest you morph into the dark ranger right now 

Then Ash morphs into the dark ranger and orders Jaws to cause chaos and when the rangers show up they were surprised to see another ranger 

Black Ranger (Ablaze): wait another ranger 😧 

Red Ranger (Autumn): well Albus did say that there were ten animal crystals 

Blue Ranger (Hype): I don't know 

Then Ash immediately attacked the Rangers 

Purple Ranger (Trickee): I guess he doesn't want to be our friend 

Then during the fight Ash saw Jaws get hurt and he decided to call off the battle and the rangers headed to the base and told Albus what happened 

Albus: another ranger you say

Pearl: yeah he was a navy blue color 

Albus: that shouldn't be possible unless he managed to corrupt it 

Prism: what 

Albus: you know how I told you that there were ten crystals 

Branch: yes

Albus: the tenth crystal is the orange ox and it was lost when the orange ranger sacrificed himself to trap Nightmare in the dark dimension and I had always regretted that I was never able to find it and now it's gone forever lost to the dark side with that evil ranger 

Pearl: I don't think he's evil I think he's just fighting for the wrong side without knowing it because he called of the battle when he saw Jaws get hurt 

Then the rangers were left wondering what to do about him when he is not as evil as Shade and Shadow meanwhile Ash visited Nightmare in the dark dimension 

Nightmare: don't you realize that you ruined your debut battle by surrendering 😡

Ash: but Jaws was hurt 

Nightmare: what have I told you in training 

Ash: that a good soldier only looks out for himself 😔

Nightmare: now Ash you know that I tell you this because I care about you right 

Ash: yes sir 

Nightmare: yes I care about you more than your birth family did so I need you to be able to return the favor for me raising you for the last 15 years 

Ash: I know 

Nightmare: and now you will stay in Trollstoplis until you are able to destroy the rangers and give me the crystals 

Ash: but I don't have a place to sleep there 

Nightshade: well you should've thought of that before you decided to be a quitter you know that Nightmare doesn't tolerate failure 

Then Ash went back to Trollstoplis and he wondered what is he going to do now to win Nightmare's affection back since he has been the closest thing he ever had to a father even when he is not allowed to call him dad 

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