Trust Exercise?

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"Hello everyone..."

The little cyclops demon ran to you and said "HI! NICE TO MEET YOU! IT'S NICE TO HAVE ANOTHER BAD BOY~" she smiled excitedly, "Uhm... Hello?" "MY NAME'S NIFTY!" She introduced her name. "That's a cute name for a little demon like you, my name is... M/n" you replied with a smile, you were very fond of the little cyclops. "Thank you!" She hugged you with a smile, "You're welcome Nifty." You hugged her back. A spider like demon came up to you and said "Hi toots, my name's Angel Dust. You look handsome~" he pointed out, "Uh... Thanks...?" "No problem~" then suddenly a cat demon with red wings pulled Angel Dust away from you. "C'mon Angel" the cat said, "Aw... Is Husky jealous~" "Hmh, shut up." He dragged Angel Dust to the bar, then the deer demon went up behind you startling you. "Ah!" You jumped "Im sorry my dear, My name is Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you! Quite a pleasure!" He said leaning towards you, "Hello Alastor..." You backed up. Then you suddenly bummed into someone while backing up, "Im sorry!" You said to the short paled demon. "It's okay, my name's Lucifer." He nods, "Hello Luci-... Wait... You mean you're Lucifer?! Like... The Lucifer?! The Devil Lucifer?!" You shouted. "Yep, the one and only King Of Hell! Nice to meet you." he replied with pride, "Don't pay attention to the short king." Alastor said.

"Shut up Bambi."


"Deer boy."

"Duck boy."

"Radio bitch."

"Bad father figure."

"Why you-" Lucifer was cut off by his daughter, "Guys! Guys..! Please stop fighting...!" Charlie begged them to stop. "Fine." Alastor and Lucifer both said, "Thank you... I think it's time for a trust exercise!" She said and gathered everyone up. "Um..." "Charlie's my name and the girl who pointed her spear at you is Vaggie my girlfriend."
She said introducing herself, "That's a beautiful name, but may i ask what a "trust exercise" is?" You asked her with a smile, "It's an exercise we do every two days! It helps us bond with each other!" She replied happily. (I actually don't know if every day they do a trust exercise or every week or two)
"That's kinda a good way to bond with everyone." You said, she started the trust exercise with a board game "Today's exercise, we will be playing a board game that humans play! It's called snake and ladders!" She happily said.


Everyone sat down and started to play with each other, the game had 4 players so they had 2 board games. Nifty, Angel Dust, Husker, and Vaggie were against each other. While you, Lucifer, Charlie, and Alastor were playing against each other.
On Vaggie won on the first gameboard, and Alastor won on your game board. "No fair! He cheated!" Lucifer complained, "I would never do such a thing." Alastor replied smiling (Like always😒) , "Yes you did!" Lucifer complaining like a child. They continued to argue, Charlie was looking sad that her idea wasn't working... You noticed her and quickly spoke up to the two grown men arguing like children, "CAN YOU TWO SHUT UP?! YOU'RE MAKING CHARLIE SAD!" you yelled at them. They both stopped arguing and Lucifer replied "I'm sorry, Char-char..." Alastor then said "I'm sorry dear...", "Why do you two always fight..." Charlie ran up stairs to her bedroom while Vaggie followed her. "Look what you two did! You two made her cry! Now go and apologize to her and swear that you two won't fight ever again!" You shouted with a disappointed look on your face, "Yeah, N/n is right. You two should go and  apologize..." Angel Dust added. The two looked at each other and nodded walking to Charlie and Vaggie's room, you followed them to make sure they did apologize.


At Charlie and Vaggie's room, Vaggie was comforting Charlie when the two knocked on the door. Vaggie got up and opened the door, "What are you two doing here?" She said with a mad look. "We're going to apologize to Charlie..." They both said, Vaggie let them in and saw you and let you in. Vaggie walked out to leave the three of you alone with Charlie, "Hey my duckling... We're so sorry... We promise that we will never fight again." Lucifer said putting his hand on her shoulder. Charlie looked up and replied "Really..?" "Yes dear we will never fight again." Alastor added, "And ill make sure they don't fight." You walked up to them. "Thank you M/n..." She hugged you and Lucifer joined in, "C'mon Al!" She invited him to the hug. Alastor hesitated before joining the hug.


793 words!
Still short though...
Anyways imma show a fanart that i made for  DuckieDeer_Fan 's book! (It's called "Accidental Marriage" it's a Radioapple book!)

Damien Morningstar!

I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!Author out-

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The Sinner between The Devil and The Radio Demon (Radioapple x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now