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( Ishan and his husband had a fight
And ishan was so done being with his dickhead husband,so he left to cool his mind
And there he meet shubman  so let's see how
This shubman  change ishan life in one night)


Ishan iam not done talking to you, were are you going
Ishan husband said as he held ishan elbow stoping him from moving , anger was clearly showing on his face

But ishan was having non of it ,
The man he fall in love with talk to him like this was not he thought

Don't touch me, your touch irritate me so much, you call me bitch, this is how you love me ha
Said ishan as he snatch his hand back from his husband tight hold and ishan know that surly leave mark

And iam going don't fucking try to come after me
Ishan said as he gets his phone and car key from side table and stepping out of house

Love ,please don't ,iam sorry
Ishan husband who finally fall on knees
His eyes Wells up as his hand started to shake in panic ,the only thought of his ishan leaving him made his heart shattered

When ishan hear his husband calling him love with so much love, ishan heart melt there, but ishan  don't want to forgive his husband this time
This behaviour of his husband always hurts ishan emotions

Your sorry won't solve anything now,
You hurted me so much , until you would not understand what you did, iam not going to forgive you
Ishan said as last time look at his husband,who is looking at him with so much longing, ishan wanted to hug him kiss his beard cheeks want to say how much ishan love him, but his husband also need to understand that what he is doing ,in his possessiveness he is hurting ishan

As ishan close the door after him with loud *thund*
As he sit in supra MK 4 car , this car have special place in heart
As ishan caress the staring wheel memories started coming back ,this was the gift his husband give him
As the rare the car is , their love is also rare in this selfish world
How can ishan not love his husband, but only thing ishan don't like about his husband is his over possessiveness and over protection
His husband was not like this before
But he didn't know what happened,  suddenly ishan started to feel suffocation in his house,his husband fight with anyone who touched or even talk to ishan

Hello iam coming ,
I want that bar empty in 10 min
Ishan said over phone to his manager, as he starts the car ,he wanted to relax his mind for things and drinking is the best option for him he feels light headed when he drink

Wh..hello.. what sir?
Poor manager he was so confused ,in his life he can't understand his two bosses at all

I fucking said I want that bar empty in 10 min,i don't want to see a single soul there,and if you failed to do so than
You know my gun and your head sounds good right Mr Raghav.
Ishan really don't talk with his staff like this but he can't help but get mad at everyone

...oh i.. okay sir i will do right away


When ishan reach the bar there was no one
That's good
Mr. Raghav was waiting for ishan on entrance of the bar

So you did humm that's good
Now you and you two go ,i will handle everything
Said ishan to raghav and the two bodyguards that are standing on entrance

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