Love that have no end

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When manan get to know his father past
He was shoked to the core
What was the past?

Manan Gill ,17 years old boy , everyone
Was jealous of him because he have cool parents and he have happy family
But was everything  real ?

Offcourse not
Manan never had a happy family that is just face code of them
The love  he craves from his parents,was never there in first place
He feels alone in his own home
His parents never fight but they also never talk with each other
They are just family for namesake
There is no love between them

It's Sunday morning as manan shower and
Get ready
As he get downstairs for breakfast
Manan become mature in early age,he is very punctual ,he lost his childhood,he doesn't have friends,he started feel alone
So he did friendship with books and art's, paintings

When he reache he takes a sit beside his father who is eating his breakfast quietly
He knows his father did love him  but never showed
His father support him in silent
But what about manan's heart,he wanted his family to be happy

"Morning papa"
Manan say looking at his papa as he smile
Showing his own dimples

"Morning baccha"
Manan's papa said as he caress manan hair softly
And manan was happy with that only
After some minutes his mother also came
Sitting down quietly eating her food

His papa eat his brackfast as fast he can,
As he see his father washing his own plate
Then going in his bedroom
Manan can't help but feel sad, he longed for family time also
There are so many questions in his mind
But there was no one to answered


Around 11 in morning manan come in leaving room to watch TV
His mother sitting on other side doing her work
As he sits on sofa taking remote in his hand but his eyes  landed on newspaper lying in front of him
As he hurriedly take the newspaper in his hand the big sketch on front page of the news paper caught his attention
Isn't that his father's sketch, but manan can't pinpoint because the boy in the sketch is so young but the dimple smile
Manan can recognise that
What his father's sketch doing in newspaper
But his eyes land on the small article written beside the sketch

With every word manan getting shocked

Very happiest Birthday
To the love of my life

Happy Birthday shubi
I hope you are happy
I miss you so much
I hope you recognise the sketch
I know you would have already
Because you cry for this sketch
Iam sorry meri jaan

What in the world is this , love of my life means,manan can't believe it
Is his father cheating on his mum
But with whom,
Manan check the date again
It's today's date, plus his father never told them that today is his birthday
Or manan's papa never told him

"Papa, papa idhar aao jaldi"
Manan shout calling his father

"Baby Kay hua,chila kyu rahe ho"
His mother asked him as he showed her the newspaper
She with hesitation take the newspaper in her hand
Her eyes widened seeing the sketch ,the fear she had buried was on surface now
This should not be seen by her husband
She only knows what going happened if he see this
The family she build on lie , what if the lie get to expose, everything going to be slipped from her hand like a sand
And she is not going to let that happen ,so she
Was Going to tear the newspaper
But manan snatch it, when he see his father coming out of his safe cocoon

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