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Hyunjin arranged his things and left his room to go and look for his dad. During the time felix escorted him, he kept staring at felix so he didn't see where they passed to get to his room. While walking around, he got to a corridor where four men where standing and talking, he recognized two people, felix and Chan.  Felix's back was facing him. He moved towards them but when he got closer, Chan and the other two men stopped talking making Felix confused. He realized they were looking behind him. He turned to see the last person he ever wanted to see ,Hwang Hyunjin.
" We meet again handsome " hyunjin said.
" what do you want hyunjin?"
"I am lost. I am looking for my father's study." Hyunjin said.
" how can you forget the way just right now?" Felix asked.
"I didn't know the way in the first place. " Hyunjin said
" huh?"
"I was too busy checking you out to even look at the way handsome. "
"Please stop calling me that. " Felix said.
" okay...I will call you lixie rather. "
"No" felix said.
"It's either lixie or handsome, choose one. No. Don't choose, I will use the two." Hyunjin said with a smirk. Felix rolled his eyes.
"Whatever, let me take you to your father's study " felix said.
"Lead the way handsome " hyunjin said and followed behind felix. Hyunjin and felix left with the three other men staring at their back.
"He was flirting with felix." One of the men said.
" we clearly saw that changbin. " Chan said
"That's insane. Didn't know Mr hwang'sson was a flirt." The other guy said.
" I think he is a natural flirt. But he looks interested in felix."Chan said
"And he is totally Felix's type " minho said.
"You are right minho. Do you think he will fall for him?" Changbin asked.
"Don't know, we will have to wait and see." Minho said.

"And here is the study room. I am leaving now." Felix said.
" okay see you around handsome. " Hyunjin said.
"Daddy!!" Hyunjin said when he got into the study room.
"You really for tea time!" Jimin cheered.
"Oh soo ready "
" let's go to the living room " jimin said leading the way. When they got there jimin ordered one of the maids to bring them hot tea.
"So how is life?" Jimin asked after they were served their tea.
"Life with mom was cool and all except the freedom aspect " hyunjin said
"I just want a little bit of freedom. Not too much. But just a little. "Hyunjin said.
"What do you mean by freedom?" Jimin asked
"I am sorry?"
" I mean what defines freedom in your dictionary?"
"A little bit of partying, Dating ESPECIALLY a GUY dad. Sur she doesn't have a problem with dating a girl but Dad...,I am bi. I want to be free to date anyone of my choice. "Hyunjin whine.
"Is that why you moved here?"
"Yes,I know you will understand me because you are dating a guy uhm...what's the name again?" Hyunjin asked.
"Yoongi" jimin said.
"Yes him. The rapper.  I actually like his songs. When I went home after meeting him. I listened to some of his songs and fuck they were good. But mom was disgusted because such good rapper was gay an-"
"Jinjin, I know you want to vent about your mother's homophobic ass and I get it but please not today.  And don't curse in my presence. " jimin said.
"You curse all the time" hyunjin said with a pout.
"You are not me" jimin said.
    Suddenly someone banged in,compared to hyunjin, he was short and looked like a Squirrel.
"Boss, the Kim's are here" jisung said.
"What?!?! But ...we don't have an appointment. " jimin said.
"Yes sir."
"You know what? Just let Chan lead them to the meeting room. I will be there and send hyunjin to his room." Jimin said and left. Hyunjin followed jisung. Not liking the silence hyunjin spoke.
"Why is my dad in such a hurry?"
" for business purposes " Jisung replied
"Which business purposes?"
"Like Mafia business purpose." Jisung said looking at hyunjin to see his reaction.
"Oh okay"
" you aren't scared." Jisung curiously asked.
When they got to hyunjin's door, jisung spoke
"Heard you flirted with felix"
"Why did you do that.  Do you like him" Jisung asked
"He I handsome that's why I flirt with with him" hyunjin said,entering his door and closing it to his ( jisung) face.

Hyunjin sat on his bed,took his phone out and called jeongin.
"Guess what?" Hyunjin said the moment innie picked.
"I can't guess silly. " innie said
"I met this hot tha-"
"Did you fall in LOVE!!"
"Shut up innie, let me talk don't interrupt me." Hyunjin said.
"So as I said the man is hot and just your type"
"Wow,now I am interested " innie said.
"But...he is taken." Hyunjin said.
"Come on girl! When did I ever refuses threesome" innie said earning a smirk from hyunjin.
"Don't worry baby,I will try to convince him" hyunjin said.
"Okay, what's his name?"
"Christopher Bang Chan "
"Nice he a daddy"
"He definitely gives off Daddy vibes." Hyunjin said
"What about you?found anyone interesting?" Innie asked.
"Yeah. There is this handsome, super hot and ethereal man. He is really hot.i find him attractive " hyunjin said.
"Mm...I really want to meet this guy. What's is his name?"
"Lee Felix "

Well.... love yall💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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