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u may be wondering, who tf is that creepy sweaty stinky predator looking russian guy in the middle of the cover? well, that is yabujin. he is a Lithuanian rapper who makes interesting and experimental music influenced by early 2000s aesthetics, like flash games, and he is also weirdly obsessed with north Korean and makes creepy edits for his album covers. he gained popularity on tiktok bc you guys keep fucking posting #yabujincore #jumpstyle boing :3 edits. i hate you guys so fucking much. u ruined yabujin. i listened to yabujin since 2021 I'm not even lying. in fact I was listening to him during a history test in year 7 bc my teacher didn't see that I had an airpod in. my friend yoonji had the other airpod and when I played yabujin she was confused and disgusted. 

anyway, he is one of the most mysterious white rappers alive rn. he has unlimited aura due to how he has not many pics and no interviews and keeps deleting his insta profiles. my fav songs by him are garden, tower of our serenity, chalice of mind, in fantasy I trust and many more that I'm not gonna say bc I wanna gatekeep. i cannot fucking believe he blew up bc he is so ass and hard to get into but tiktok just does it again and again. i bet tiktok fans never listened to early works bootleg bruh

so he is my 5th fav white rapper. and that concludes my list of my top 5 white rappers 2024. like and subscribe for more study tips 

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