Chapter two

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Confused I stand up and put my belongings back into my bag, I walk past the blood and stare down at it. Something seams really off. As I look even closer I realise that the blood is moving but that's too weird so I decide it's just my brain playing tricks on me. That's it, I storm off done with this situation and don't even bother saying goodbye to Paige. It's too late in the week to deal with this, my brain needs a break. stepping back out into the street I walk over to a park bench and sit down to have a minute to think in the fresh air. Closing my eyes, I focus on my breathing and drown out the city noises. I always feel much better once I've taken a minute to think. After I had a minute I've decided that my lack of sleep last night must be catching up to me and most of what I saw before wasn't real. Opening my eyes I immediately feel 100x worse, the whole world spins around, the bright stream of car lights fling across my vision and loud voices start yelling at me. It's all muffled but I can hear one clearer strong consistent voice saying, the, same, thing. All you see or seem is but a dream within a dream. All you see or seem is but a dream with a dream. All you see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
"Stop!" I yell and the world comes crashing back down into reality.

"are you okay, sweetie?" asks a middle-aged lady with long dark brown hair.

"yeah, I'm fine, thank you" I stand up but instantly fall back down onto the bench.

"are you sure you're okay?" The lady reaches out to grab my hands but I move away before she reaches me.

"y-yes thank you. I I'm fine. I just got a bit dizzy." I say, and this time with more confidence I stand up and walk away. What the hell is going on? I seriously cannot deal with this right now. I'm just gonna go home and make myself a cup of coffee seeing as how I didn't end up drinking one this morning thanks to Paige. As I continue to walk down the street my eyes begin to feel heavy and I start to stumble towards the road crossing, now realising that I'm way too tired to even walk home. I try to turn around but my foot catches on the uneven pavement and I fall straight towards the road with oncoming traffic. doomed, I place my hands out to catch my fall, but they get yanked in a different direction and I find myself tumbling back onto the sidewalk, hitting my head and skidding across the concrete in the process. I lay on the cold ground with the wind knocked out of me.

"my god are you okay!" I hear a voice yell. " what the hell were you thinking! If I hadn't pulled you back....." the male voice trails off. I squint my eyes and push myself into a sitting position.

"oww my head." I exclaim and simultaneously reach my hand up to feel where the numbing pain was coming from. When I pull my hand back red liquid stain my hands. "Crap!" I look up to see who owned the voice that was yelling at me before. It was a guy in an oversized Hoody that looked to be in about his 20s. he crouches down and takes a look at my head. "how bad is it?" I ask.

"it's not that bad. You'll be okay." I nod but instantly regret it because it makes the pain worse. "do you feel okay to stand up?" The guy asks me looking straight into my eyes.

"yeah I think I'm fine. I think I just need some rest, my house isn't too far away." I say returning his deep stare. I get lost in his eyes, they're so blue, and while I'm looking at the flakes of gold crescent around his pupils, he offers me a hand up. I take it and help by pushing myself off with my other hand. " thanks" I say while dusting myself off. I look back down when my foot steps in a puddle. My eyes bulge out of my head as I realise it isn't water. "oh god, oh my god." I unsteadily step backwards and almost fall over again.

"what?!" The guy asks with a worried look on his face. But I'm too busy watching the pile of blood move itself into quite a familiar sentence. All you see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
All I can do is point because I'm afraid if I speak my voice will let me down. "there's nothing on the ground." he says looking super confused now. " are you okay?" I look back to the ground and like he had said, there is nothing on the ground.

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