Chapter 30: Laying in between forgiving and forgetting

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At least her body didn't pretend to be a zombie today. Grace stretched meaningless in front of her mirror. There she was again, back in her dark uniform. Yesterday evening Keegan told her to come to training and look at the new recruits.

They had talked until her bones chilled in the night breeze. The presence of her father's notebook emanated from behind her. It laid on her nightstand. She'd take a peek into it, she told herself. One day or another, she would.

I was afraid this would happen, Keegan had said. When I first had to make such a decision, it took almost another incident until I picked up a gun again.

When she explained to him her doubts about violence, he laid the facts bare to her. People like the federation didn't understand the complex of words, neither would a robber. Sometimes, violence became a demand for such situations. He agreed with her on the basis that often, it could be tried to diffuse the conflict with words alone. But by the time the other party drew on their weapons, it was time to lay the words aside.

In the end, Grace had to decipher for herself what she wanted.

Right now, she wanted to lay in her bed. Too bad for her that Keegan knew exactly how to bait her. Her brothers would welcome the new recruits. It was his last wish for you three to reunite. She couldn't deny her father this. Even if these two nitwits had fucked up, in the end they did what they thought was best for her.

Grace made her way to traininghall 1. It laid pretty much in the front of the base and was one of the largest halls the base had to offer. Simply because countless parkours had been set up in it. It reminded her of her month-crash-curse of becoming a fighter. Yeah, she had never crawled on the ground afterwards ever again but, sure. It helped a lot, especially with learning close-range combat. In which Keegan had handed her her ass multiple times. One day, she swore she'd repay him.

The early morning remained quiet and steady. Some had already raised and went for training or to complete their tasks. Others only started their journey to the cantine. Honestly, she didn't want to see Madam Steward every day. How could they even endure that?

Grace shrugged it off and found herself in the hall soon after. Approximately she saw three lines with roughly five people each. So, fifteen recruits? When Grace started they were only seven. Her walk reminded her of Hesh's, a little. She kept her head held high. Up front stood her two brothers along with Keegan a bit to the back.

None of them noticed her. How could they? A woman had approached Logan and she stood far too close for a recruit. The others turned slightly on her, mumbling and muttering. She repeatedly touched Logan's arm. "Will you train us?" she asked. Grace noted how many useless questions this girl had. A groan rumbled in her.

Logan tried to form some distance, which she gradually ignored. "Please go back to your place, we will explain everything in due time," he said. Gods, didn't she see how uncomfortable she made him? Even Hesh tried to pry her to the rows again. These damn softies.

"What are you doing," Grace snapped and crossed her arms. Her foot tapped the ground. The girl turned to her.

"Asking. Why? Who even are you? His girlfriend?" she sneered. Well, that did it.

"Worse," Grace stepped towards her, "I am his sister." They were around the same height. She loved Addy for her sheer bravery- and the slight madness- however, this woman grated on her nerves. The way her eyes immediately shone brighter and a smile facaded her face, it disgusted her.

"Go back to your row," she demanded.

The woman simply tried to reach behind her towards Logan, whose body tensed on que. "Oh, I was just asking your brother something. I am sure—" A sigh escaped Grace before she side-stepped the bitch and grabbed her wrist in an iron clench.

Keegan Russ x OC Female Character // ''Hearts are there to be broken''Where stories live. Discover now