3. Concussion

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As i walked away from the nurse's office i mentally scold myself.

Why did i give her my number? I mean i- i think she's cute- but- i kept getting told about how she was a freak and weird.

The girls i met earlier walked up to me, i knew they were going to bully me for how i acted with that Sophie girl but i just-

My train of thought got interrupted by the platinum blonde girl who was wearing a nice light blue outfit said something to me.

"Jenny! Did you see that freak Sophie get hit in gym? You had that class with her right?"

I hated how they spoke about her but they were the only people i know enough.

"Uh- yeah! She looked so idiotic!" I let out a fake laugh that i hope sounded real.


My mom ended up taking me home. Dad was working late today and it was only 12PM, so Edd and Molly were still at school, Edd had some important test today and Molly had a presentation. I knew they were both going to talk my ears off about it.

I got in the car with my mom, as she turns towards me, i was in the passenger seat as she was in the driver's.

"It was in gym, wasn't it?" She asked.

"Yeah." I responded, my voice barely over a whisper. She gave me a pair of sunglasses.

"Put them on, you're okay." She comforted me.

I put them on and tried not to fall asleep as she drove me home, or what I thought was going to be home. She took me to the hospital.

I don't remember much of what happened but i do remember every time i almost dozed off she shook me out of it.

"Stay awake" she spoke.

"Mmmkayy..." i groggily answer.

"Sophie, i'm serious. I don't need you going into a coma because you had a bad day in gym." She told me.

An hour or so later a nurse came to see me. They told me i should be fine, but i shouldn't go to school or do any sports for the next 2 or 3 days, i wasn't planning on it so it's not that big of a deal.

As i drove home with my mom i couldn't help but think about Jenny.

Does she think im weird? I mean, it's a concussion, obviously i would be a little out of it... but i couldn't help but hate myself for how i acted.


I went straight to bed when we got home. Edd and Molly had just got home, mom had to tell them to not go in my room... but as always, Molly came to see me.

"Sophie..?" Her scared but curious voice called out.

"Mhm?" I answered, did i sound too mean? Oh god...

"Are you okay..?" She asked.

"I'm... fine. Just a migraine, that's all" I responded.

"Okay... bye-bye.." she said, sounding sad.

"...bye." I responded, feeling my throat tighten up as tears flooded my eyes.

She gently closed the door and no matter how hard i tried, the floodgates bursted open. I cried as i rolled over to reach my favourite pillow. I hugged it and cried, slowly falling asleep.

556 words

sorry it was short! school has been stressing me out, I promise I'll get more out during the summer!!

577 after a/n

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