# "にじゅうご" ⤷ who wants to live forever

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"Well now, this is quite the sight," the voice behind him remarks lightly.

[Y/n] offers a wordless smile in response, stealing a glance at the blond reflected in the mirror before returning his gaze back to his own reflection, particularly the area around his neck.

The cold steel of the dagger presses gently against the juncture, and with a touch more pressure, just a little bit more force, he knows without a doubt that the skin beneath it would be sliced clean.

Hopefully, this brilliant idea of his pays off, because he's getting pretty tired of cleaning up, well, blood. His own blood too, to be precise.

Even after a whole day of washing, the uniform he wore during his encounter with Toji remains irreversibly stained, having absolutely no hope of ever looking like it once was.

A shame, really, but it's a small price to pay compared to the whole fiasco of a mission that happened two days ago.

Behind him, Naoya speaks up once again, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. "What exactly are you trying to show me here, hm? Isn't it too soon for you to go and kill yourself in front of me?"

"Is that really what you think I'm doing?" [Y/n] chuckles softly before pressing the dagger in. Blood quickly trickles down his neck and drops down to the sink.

Naoya's expression changes to one of confusion rather than one of concern.

After a beat, he says, "Well, if I had to guess, you're probably trying to get rid of that ugly scar around your neck. A little gift from my cousin, I assume?"

Instead of nodding, [Y/n] hums in reply.

The dagger dips into his skin, reaching deep enough to touch flesh and muscle, but stopping well before it touches bone. A small sigh escapes his lips.

As he withdraws the dagger and wills his body to heal the injury, he frowns. "The scar's still there. Dammit," he says, clicking his tongue.

The skin is healing, but the mark remains — a reminder of how he was completely beheaded by Toji.

He's done a great job concealing it from everyone so far, everyone except for Satoru, Suguru, and now, of course, the man he invited to his room himself, Naoya.

"Guess it's permanent then. Like that one scar in the middle of your chest," Naoya states with a sharp laugh. "Time for you to start wearing turtlenecks, [Y/n]. Chokers are a good option too, you know? I wouldn't mind buying you one. Or two even."

"Haha. You're so funny, Naoya," he dryly replies as he sets the dagger down.

Naoya snickers immediately, straightening up from his position. "Hmm~? You're gonna make me blush if you keep complimenting me."

"...Sure you will."

Walking back to the bedroom, Naoya easily makes himself comfortable on the brand-new bed, resting his hand on his chin while he gives [Y/n] a smirk.

"So, what was it that made you call me here again? You want me to cut you open again or something?" Naoya asks jokingly.

[Y/n] blinks, pausing as he exits the bathroom door. "Wow."

"What? Is it my fault for thinking so? You've only ever invited me here for weird shit, [Y/n]."

"Yeah well," he starts, giving Naoya a pat on the shoulder, "You're not wrong. I did indeed invite you here for that same very reason."



Naoya purses his lips before shaking his head. "Didn't you just tell me that thing inside you is dead for good? Why do I have to stab you again? I read the report you submitted. Haven't you been stabbed enough?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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