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His heart is made of memories.

Author's POV

"What is the reason behind of  your being drenched in the rain, Mrs. Singhania?"

Looking toward the source of the sound, she flee a glance and turned her head to find him, standing there in his captivating lustre yet grandeur. Her heartbeat quickened, her wet cheeks blushed in the cold breath of air.

"Getting soaked in the rain without an apparent reason is something I don't appreciate." He said in a low masculine voice.

It dawned on her, that Arjun had never been fond of rain; she had seen him drawing all the curtains when it was going to pour, and his aura even grew colder and more rigid whenever the drops fell on the earth.

As if the drops of rain were carrying the story of his, a secret of his which he never wants to unleash.

A frown planted itself between her dark brows, showing her state of bewilderment. She racked her mind, not understanding why on the earth he was standing there and putting unanswerable question in front of her at this moment as this man even detest and hate the flowing cold monsoon breeze.

"Why are you here?" She asked, being perplexed.

"To find you". He murmured roughly, something shrouded his eyes but in a heartbeat it disappeared. 

Her breath escalated, mouth dried, the tip of her darting out, swiping across her already wetted lips, at that moment she became tongue-tied.

A thick layer of silence stretched between them, minds pondering what appropriate words should be send on the lips and....yeah can not say anything about the hearts beating inside their chest, seemed like they were lost in the worlds; moulded by the each other's souls.

Water leaked from the tips of his dark hair and fell down on her bare skin of waist, a drop of rain mischievously trickled down in her navel and on that precise moment, an image flashed in her mind how a couple of moments ago, in her own hypothetical scene, she was shivering like a leaf under the soft strokes of his rough hand on her waist.

She couldn't help but focus on how his ridges of muscle shift from the movement. His arms flexed, drawing her attention to the veins lining his forearms-

"Enough! What has gotten into you."

Her lips pressed together in embarrassment as she said to herself inaudibly.

In her difficulty, she turned down her eyelids again and blushed over face and neck, so to save herself, an peculiar conversation popped into her mind.

"I do know a little bit about you, at least but you-" She herself didn't know when the tone of her breezing voice turned itself into a mixture of mockery and desolation.

"Try me"

He said, voice deep yet raspy, the muscle in his jaw leapt. 

"W-what?" She asked, her brows squeezed together in utmost confusion but the moment her gaze locked with his furiously dark gaze; she knew he wasn't joking but being dead serious. Aadrika blinked, her breaths coming out in shorts.

"My favorite colour?"


"My favourite part of the day?"

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