"The Storm In My Heart" translated as "Бурята в сърцето ми" is a love story between two girls, Aurora and Vicky. Aurora is a famous model under one of her closest friends'modelling agency , Rin. As soon as Rin and Vicky meet, they become close, but...
It was just one normal day of work. Rin's modelling agency had been recognized by many brands and people, so the models had to work a lot for the next few weeks.
I was getting to work as my manager was driving towards the studio, i was on my phone, scrolling through social media, pretty much unbothered. Until my boss..and best friend, Rin called me. So i picked it up.
"Hey, rora! What's up?" - Rin said, sounding all friendly and being cheerful as always. I smiled a bit before i spoke : "Nothing much, im almost at the studio. Whats wrong? Why'd you call?" I asked curiously.
"Oh yeah! Do you want something from the coffee shop nearby the studio? Something to eat? Drink?" - rin said.
I thought for a bit before i spoke "Hmm..i think some coffee would be fine. I didnt get enough sleep last night."
"Alright! I will see you at the studio then! See you later!!"
"see you later!" I said with a small smile on my face before she hung up. I continued scrolling on my phone, until i came across one of my favourite instagram accounts. Her instagram was so aesthetically pleasing to look at. Her feed was full of different arts, songwritings and such things. It had variety. I checked her story as i saw that she posted her self. I was left speechless when i saw her. Damn! She was so pretty. Her boyfriend is so lucky. (But little did Aurora know that...that wasnt her boyfriend.) I couldnt help but screenshot it. I dont know why. I just did so. I kept staring at her picture for a while...i felt like a creep but...she was so damn pretty. Until my manager startled me as we reached the studio and had to hurry.
- (End of Aurora's pov) -
- (RIN POV) -
Once i hung up the call with aurora, i headed to the small café shop near the studio. I went inside as i was immediately greeted with a smile with one young looking girl, she was really cute. Pretty and tall too. I smiled at her back before i went and ordered what i needed, she was so kind and all that. I sat down on one of the coffee tables and drank my coffee as i checked my email and making plans about the photoshoots, when and where are they going to be done. It was a packed schedule for the models and photographers. I saw that i had a few brand deals that wanted to create a magazine with such 2000 style. For a duo that FITTED the theme. Aurora would fit it perfectly...but.. the rest of the models wouldn't fit. That was the problem. I glanced back at the smiley girl once again before i shook my head slightly and just stood up. I took my laptop and my stuff in my arms and i was about to walk out of the café, until that girl quickly came up to me.
"Excuse me, miss. You left your..notebook here." The girl spoke politely as she handed me the notebook with the plans and all that, i quickly smiled at her and thanked her, i took it and i waved at her before i actually left the café. I headed to the studio as i thought about it still. Perhaps...if i got closer with that girl, i could ask her to model. She wont refuse, will she?
At the studio
"Aurora how many times do i have to tell you! Move to the left!! Not the right! Dont you know the directions?" Bleik protested in an annoyed tone as he was holding the camera. Aurora and Bleik usually never fought or anything, they just talked like that to each other, it was something like their thing or whatever. Aurora just rolled her eyes and posed, leaning to the left.
"Oh! Yes! This is it! Finally!" Bleik commented with a proud smile as he took a few photos. And just like that the studio was full of many models posing and their photographers taking photos of them.
Meanwhile Rin was looking at all of them, thinking in her mind what should she do. She was looking at the girls and thinking, who could fit the theme. She glanced at the boys too but...nah, they wont fit at all. Until she glanced at one of the models that came late, of course, it was Kai.
"You're late again." Rin commented as she folded her arms, looking at Kai. Meanwhile he just shrugged and was about to walk away until Rin glanced at the small package that he was holding, it was from the café,the same café with that girl.
"Wait! You went to that café again? Do you know something about that girl? And dont lie to me. You always go to that café." - Rin said as she looked up at Kai.
"Well, she's my friend. Why are you asking?" Kai raised an eyebrow as he looked down at Rin.
"What's her name? How old is she? What's her instagram? Number?"
"Im not telling you all that. Go find out yourself. Im starving." Kai walked away and didnt bother turning back at Rin or whatever.
Rin sighed and sat on one of the chairs as he folded her arms and crossed her legs, obviously pissed off and thinking what should she do. Her time was limited to ask and talk to that girl, she was just staring at the floor and thinking until Aurora came up to her and ruffled her hair.
"What's up? You're acting kinda strange today." Aurora asked as she looked at Rin. She was a bit worried honestly. "Is there something wrong? Did something happen?"
Rin quickly denied and reassured her as she explained the whole situation, but...without mentioning some things, on purpose. Before she quickly stood up and walked away. Aurora just sat there puzzled, thinking what the hell did just happen?
(Screenshot of the girl's story from Aurora's pov)
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