Part 4

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I wake up pretty late its already and i see that Minho texted me.

Minho: Good morning did you sleep well?
Me: yes i slept alot hahah, good morning
Minho: you got plans for today?
Me: i never have plans
Minho: ah okey, then do you wanna come to the dorm? Only if you want to
Me: yeah sure!
Minho: okay i'll see you then, bye

I get out of bed and do my regular morning routine. When i am done with everything i put the necklace that i got from Minho on.

I walk to the dorm of the guys cause the weather is pretty nice, there's sun with a little bit of wind.

When i arrive i knock on the door and Hyunjin opens.

"Well well well, what a surprise do we have mhm? You look-"

"Hyunjin stop" Minho said as he pushed Hyunjin away.

"Hey Soomi, come in"

Hyunjin walks annoyed away and Minho gives me a quick hug and we also make our way to the living room.

"Soomi? What brings you here?" Felix asks while pulling me in a hug.

"Oh uh Minho asked if I wanted to come here"

Felix and Changbin move their heads to look at Minho.

"Lets go to my room okay?" I nod and follow him to his room.

When we get inside his room he sits down on his bed and i awkwardly stand next to his bed.

"You can sit down, its fine" he laughs and makes more space for me.

I sit down and my arm touches his. I blush and look away.

"You blush really fast did you know that?"

" w what? I i don't"

He laughs and moves even closer and put his arm around me. "Yes you do"

"So i was thinking do you wanna watch a movie?"

He looks me in my eyes as he waits for me to answer him. "Yeah sure"

He smiles and puts on a movie called
'20th century girl'

During the movie he keeps holding me close to him and making me feel safe. He plays with my hair and caress my cheek.

When the the movie ends i cry hard and he starts laughing. "Why are you crying? Its just a movie"

"Just a movie? Its so can you not cry?"

He laughs again and wipes my tears away with his thumb. I start to relax and move a bit so i lay my head on his chest and i close my eyes.
He moves one arm around my waist and his other hand caress my head.

"Are you tired?"

"A bit"

"Then sleep okay?"

I nod and slowly drift off to sleep.

After 2 hours Minho wakes me up by whispering in my ear. "I'll be going downstairs, if you're tired you can stay in my bed okay?"

"Mhmm...i'll come too"

We walk downstairs and i sit down next to Felix and give him a hug.

"What did you two do all that time hm?" Felix says playfully.

"We watched a movie and i slept after that"

Hyunjin rolls his eyes ands walk towards the stairs but stops before walking upstairs and looks at me.

"Soomi, i wanna talk to you"

"She doesn't wanna talk to you" Minho says immediately before i could say something.

"I didn't ask you anything, i was talking to her" he look over at me. "You coming?"

I nod and follow him, he lets me walk up the stairs first and i wait infront of his room.

He opens the door and when we walk in he closes it behind me and he presses me up against the wall.

"So..." he moves my hair behind my ear and gets closer to me.

"What this thing with you and Minho huh?" I feel his breath hitting the skin of my neck.

"N nothing"

"Nothing? Hm...I don't believe're around him alot"

I stay quiet and get really nervous.

"You're shy? Hmm i like that"

"W w we're good friends"

He gets even closer and plays with my necklace
"You know...." He touches my cheek. "...we could have fun too" 

I look away to avoid eye contact but i hear him chuckle and he lifts my face up to make me look into his eyes. 

"Don't look away darling"

He starts kissing my neck and his hands touch everywhere on my body. "Mhmm you like this don't you?" He starts licking my neck and puts his hands under my shirt. 

I try to pull him away but he is way stronger than me and keeps me pressed against the wall.

"S s stop" i say soft while i start panicking.

"Mhmm why would i? We both know you like this, just admit it"

He starts to move his lips against mine and he kisses me roughly as his hands move further up under my shirt.

"P p please s stop" i cry and try to push him away again but i don't succeed.

"Why would i stop if we just getting started huh?"
He slowly begin to take off my shirt and smirks at the sight of my body. He start licking right under my bra as his hands start to touch my thigh.
I keep crying cause i know he won't let me go anytime soon.

He sighs and throws my shirt at me. "You're really no fun" he walks out of his room and let me alone in here.

I pull my shirt back on and wipe tears away and slowly make my way back downstairs.

"I i i'll be going home..b b bye.." i say and i walk to the door without saying a proper goodbye.

"Wait, i can bring you" Minho says with a smile.

"Y you don't have to" i make my way out of the door as fast as i can and i walk to my house.

I hear some footsteps running behind me and i turn scared around to look who's behind me.

"Hey hey hey, whats wrong Soomi?" Minho walks next to me and looks me in my eyes.

"N nothing" i smile and keep walking my way to my house while Minho follows me.

When i open my door Minho follows me inside. I walk upstairs as Minho keeps following me.

"Should i feed Nabi?" He says as he looks at me and i nod slowly. He nods back and walk downstairs as i step into the bathroom for a shower.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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