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Does my story need to be written in 2024?

How many parts does my story need to be?

Is there a minimum amount of words I need to enter?

Eligibility is dependent on whether your story is Complete (a category for all languages), or Ongoing (a category for English submissions only). Your story does not have to be written this year to be eligible.

For Complete stories, the first part of your story must have been posted to Wattpad on or after January 1st, 2022 to be eligible. You can finish it at any time before you submit your story. Your story must contain 50,000 words or more if written in English and must be marked as complete when submitted. Your story must be 40,000 words or more and marked as complete if written in Filipino or Spanish.

For Ongoing stories, Your story needs to have existed on the Wattpad platform from at least June 5th, 2024. Stories need to have been updated 8 out of the past 10 weeks at the time of submission. We define posting once a week as posting at least once between Monday to Sunday before 11:59 PM UTC. Story updates are recognized as being 500+ words each time. The story needs to have received an update in at least 80% of the weeks between the date you submit the entry and the date on which the Shortlisted Entries are announced or your story will be disqualified. Your story must contain 20,000 words or more and must NOT be marked as complete.

Submissions can have as many (or as few) parts as needed to tell the story.

Can I continue editing my story after I've submitted it?

If you are submitting a Complete story, your story must be marked as complete on Wattpad at the time of submission and must not be edited post-submission. An Edit is noted as any alteration to the story that requires toggling of the 'Edit Part' or 'Edit Cover' function, or adding/removing information from the Story Details page of your story. 

If you are submitting an Ongoing story, updating is required after submission to maintain the appropriate posting cadence but you cannot go back and change what you have already submitted. Please note that making changes to previously submitted story parts will result in disqualification.

Does my story have to be exclusively available on Wattpad when I submit it to the Wattys?

When you submit your story it does not need to be exclusively on Wattpad.

Can I submit:

A. More than one story?

You are welcome to submit more than one eligible story to the Wattys, but please note that only one story per creator can win in a given year.

B. Any story I've submitted to a previous Wattys?

We are no longer accepting complete submissions that have been previously submitted to the Wattys. If you submitted an ongoing story in 2023 but did not win, you are welcome to re-submit this story as long as it is still an ongoing story.

C. A story that has already won a Watty?

To encourage and support new writers on the platform, stories that have previously won a Watty are ineligible to enter.

D. A story I co-wrote with another writer?

Group or collaborative stories are eligible for The Watty Awards. However, the award itself will only be presented to the account the story was originally published on.

E. A mature story?

Yes. Remember: stories must abide by our content guidelines.

F. A comic or graphic novel?

The 2024 Watty AwardsWhere stories live. Discover now