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"No no no no this can't be happening can't be," Hōrō-sha said, breaking into tears his entire life turned upside down . Tanjuro stands there frozen equally tarafied and heart broken, only being snapped out of his senses by a humming noise turning his head right seeing a silver sword stuck in the snow.
"Hōrō-sha what's that ,"Tanjuro said at this Hōrō-sha picked up the sword seemingly entrance " the curseded blade," Hōrō-sha muttered he felt like the monsters from long past had come back to huant him ,to judge him only being stanp out by Tanjuro " she's alive,"Tanjuro said cradling the injured nezuko in his arms " Hōrō-sha pull yourself together we need her to the doctor," Tanjuro said. He had never seen Hōrō-sha act like this it seemed like something had awakened in his big brother, banging against the wall of his mind roaring to be let out. Hōrō-sha could only nod as Tanjuro carried nezuko on his back as Hōrō-sha carried the silver sword with a wight sheath he picked up on the way. As the two brothers were bolting down the countryside, nezuko went crazy grueling and moving erratically, pulling the two brothers off a small cliff landing in a snow bank below " save by the...wait where's nezuko,"Hōrō-sha said. The two brothers frantically look around, finding nezuko disheveled and particularly covered in blood standing ghastlystill.Hōrō-sha stood up, sensing something wrong with his sister
" nezuko, are you let me carry you to the doctor ," Tanjuro said, running over to Nezuko .Hōrō-sha stood there confused and silent he wondered why nezuko was acting this way, something inside him, an instinct, a voice as he stepped forward. "TANJURO FREEZE ,"Hōrō-sha yelled. Tanjuro stud there shocked at his bother sudden out burst of his brother .Suddenly, nezuko lunges at tanjuro trying to bite him .Hōrō-sha took his sheath of his sword and hit nezuko in the head, getting her attention nezuko lunges at Hōrō-sha trying to kill him nezuko try to claw and bite him " wait your eyes your.......a demon," Hōrō-sha said dodging most of her attacks tipping but before she could bite into him he managed to restrain nezuko by his Sheth " NEZUKO PLEASE THIS ISN'T YOU," Hōrō-sha pleaded but to no avail Tanjuro tried to pull nezuko off of him but was unable to " Tanjuro do something I can't hold her off for long ," Hōrō-sha yelled. Tanjuro tried his best, but she was too strong .It quickly evolved into a reselling match between the two brothers and nezuko, but the dramatic struggle ended when the group suddenly heard a strange whistling noise.

What stood there was not another demon or another random villager it was a man hidden in a strange green cloak and hood that concealed most of his body .His face was covered by a dark green oni mask, the upper left of the mask completely gone, reviling a glowing blue eye .It stood there ghostly, not making any the two brothers stood there confused and a little scared by the sudden encounter, nezuko reared up, knocking Tanjuro uncounious. she changed at the unknown man trying to claw him. the lone warrior stood silent, dodging all of the as smoothly as water finally dealing a blow that forced her momentarily on her knees .He drew his katana determined to finish this, but before he could do anything Hōrō-sha blocked the strike and delivered a swift kick, sending the strange green cloak man stumbling back for a moment. He quickly regained his composure as if he expected it to happen he got into a fighting stance daring Hōrō-sha to attack at that moment Hōrō-sha knew he couldn't run from this . He drew his katana, and at that moment, he knew he would have to dig up the bones of the past to save the feature

a monster in the shadow ( Demon Slayer X Oc  )Where stories live. Discover now