Nowhere left for me.

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Nothing quite felt the same anymore.

Drinking, dates, sex. Everything still had an exhilarating feeling when acted out, but it was more the aftertaste of the action that made Izuku's chest burn with stress and his headlight.

Every night, after making love to what was once his one and only, Izuku would roll over in their bed and let his dulled jade eyes pool to the brim with salt water. And although he always let them brim, he never let those tears roll down his cheek.

If you asked Izuku's mother how often he cried she would laugh and sit you down for hours telling you just the highlights of his sobbing fits.

But if you asked his lover, who was currently lying behind him, she would say he's too prideful to cry. Too protective of his manhood to open up.

But she would be wrong.

Truth be told, the greenette was extremely emotional. But when he entered his first serious relationship, he figured he needed to tighten the faucets behind his eyes and leave them on the back burner.


December 29th will always be a date for Izuku to remember.

The night he saw those text messages.

They were cuddling on the couch. Before his stress had ever become a problem for him. When he had a clear head and loved the smell of her. 

When she got up to pour them both a glass of wine, she left her phone. Izuku didn't think about it too much lately. Just a fact of the matter was that if she got up, her phone went with her. She grew up in a strict household, and if she wasn't careful with her phone her parents would go through it so he could understand why she was protective of the object.

But when he saw it just sitting there, he was intrigued. He never saw much of her phone at all. It was always tucked away, or she'd leave the room when she had to take a phone call.

Cautiously Izuku picked up the phone. A plain pink background? His first thought was Well that's boring. Without thinking he went to take a photo of himself to set as her background. A goofy smile and peace sign was his go-to. Settings, wallpaper, select photo.

As usual, his photo was among all of her others, but her photos weren't the typical ones you'd find on anyone's phone. No, these were photos of his girlfriend hiding nothing. She was arching, playing with herself, spreading herself open.

Now while one would typically have a positive reaction to such photos and promptly take their partner to the bedroom. There was one small problem. Or rather a huge problem. They didn't send nudes to each other.

His blood ran cold, and his chest had an immediate insufferable burning.

He doesn't quite remember doing so, but he closed the tab deleted his photo, and set the phone exactly as he found it.

And though he doesn't want to remember doing it. He got up off the couch and went to hug his girlfriend. He embraced her and told her he loved her. He let his chin rest on the top of her head as he said it over and over.

She may have seen it as an act to comfort her and let her know Izuku truly did love her. But that wasn't his intent at all.

Izuku was trying to convince himself that he still loved her. But now his interest had been piqued so he didn't stop there. Later that evening, while she was taking a shower, he went through her phone. He needed to confirm his suspicions.

On her phone, he found the text messages.

Hundreds, no, thousands of text messages flooded his sight as he scrolled through only one unsaved number. From what he could gather Izuku's girlfriend was texting, sexting, Face Timing, and meeting up with one girl.

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