What the fuck did you just call me?

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Izuku looked down at the skinny boy in his arms, still sniffling and clinging to Izuku's scrub shirt. 'Wow, this feels embarrassing.' Although he knows he shouldn't be the one embarrassed, he still is.

Was Izuku going to even be able to treat this kid properly? All Might said he just likes to throw fits, but whoever he talked to on the phone said they heard a crack. Not to mention these are very real and very gross snot tears soaking into his shirt.

Izuku entered his infirmary, finding it now empty and very sad-looking.

"I'm just gonna set you down on a bed, and you'll have to calm down and tell me what happened, alright?" Izuku felt like he was speaking to a child. Frankly, he very well could have been considering this boy's size.

"BAKU-BAKUGO HIT ME." Fighting the urge to roll his eyes at the tantrum, Izuku walked to his mini fridge, pulling out an ice pack.

"Where did he hit you? And did he just hit you with his hand?" Izuku inquired.

"He h-hit me right here." Mineta whined while pointing at his shin right below his knee. "He hit me with the staff we were using for physical training." The short purplette conveyed through a dramatically shaken voice and tear-soaked cheeks.

"I need you to calm down, okay? You'll be better soon; let me get you some ibuprofen." He said opening a conveniently labeled medicine cabinet and finding the pain reliever. Shaking out 3 red pills and handing them to the boy.

"What does the pain feel like? Is it going away? And someone said they heard a crack, so do you think it's broken?" Izuku felt like an interrogator, but they couldn't get anywhere if the shorter male wouldn't tell him anything.

"Um, I think the pain is going away; it was kind of like a throbbing pain. And no, I didn't break anything." He held the ice pack to the red spot on his shin and stared at Izuku like he was a savior.

"The throbbing is good; it means the spot didn't go numb, so you'll just have a nasty bruise, it seems." Izuku thought about sending the whiny boy back to practice, but it seemed cruel after he threw such a fit to get out of it.

"Would you be interested in getting your mental consultation out of the way since you're already here?" Izuku decided it'd be best to get a head start on this job considering consulting all the soldiers would take him a while.

"Mental consultation?" He seemed confused, as though he had never heard of such a thing.

"Well, I'm not just the new medic on staff; they also hired me to act as a counselor so you guys have someone you can meet with if you are having mental health issues or problems with other soldiers."

The teary-eyed boy's face lit up as though he had an idea. Then quickly retorted back into the dramatic pain-stricken face. "That sounds good; does that mean I'll be able to complain about all the guys who hate me here?"

Izuku was already annoyed by this kid. "Yeah, if you need to talk about other people to get problems off your chest, then that's what I'm here for."

"PERFECT. When can we start our consultation thingy?" Izuku thought it'd be easiest to start now, but he suddenly remembered that he was currently taking time away from this boy's actual advisor.

"Um, just sit here until I get back. I need to talk to your advisor about conducting your consultation. I shouldn't be gone longer than 25 minutes." He eyed the scrawny boy warily as he left the room.

This time he wasn't rushing down the halls but walking to the training grounds he last saw the black-haired male at.

As he approached the training grounds for a second time, he found the taller man alone. He had a yellow sketchpad out and was writing in it, presumably taking notes on the training Izuku saw earlier.

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