Chapter Seven

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Later that summer, Layla was enjoying one of her last nights on Princess Anne Island before returning to the city. It was a warm August night, and she was sitting on the rocks by the beach watching the sun slide beneath the ocean like the last embers of a fire.

After returning from Faerie, she spent the rest of the trip rarely leaving her parents' side. She never wanted to lose them again, and she had become all-too-aware of how precious and fleeting her time was with them. An entire life of boys, friends and parties lay ahead, but for now, she just wanted to freeze time and enjoy the moment she was in.

If there was one thing she had learned from her time in Faerie, it was that pure evil does exist, and you can't always place your trust in everyone—no matter how charming or enchanting they may seem.

A flock of seagulls cawed above her, circling the beach in hopes of finding a French fry or something else to eat. Layla smiled, feeling thankful for the millionth time that no sinister creatures dwelled in the human lands—or at least, none that had any real power to harm her or her parents.

As the sun finally slid below the horizon and a chill descended on the beach, Layla stood up to walk back towards the cottage. Suze and Colin were cooking an epic lobster dinner to end the summer, and she didn't want to miss the first course.

The beach was deserted as most of the cottagers had returned home by then, but Layla spotted a tall figure towards the entrance. Alex smiled and waved, walking towards her with a pair of flip-flops in his hand.

"I knew you would find me," Layla said, jumping into his arms as soon as they reached one another on the sand. He picked her up as if she was light as a feather, kissing her soft and slow.

"There was no way I was going to let you get away without seeing me ever again," he whispered in her ear, hugging her body close to his. "You're far too special."

"You saved my family. I'll never be able to thank you enough for that," she whispered, pressing her forehead against his.

"Hmm, I can think of a few ways you might begin to repay your debt," Alex smiled, kissing her once more, a little more forcefully this time.

"I can start by offering you a delicious, three-course lobster dinner?"

"That's a start," he laughed, placing her down on the sand and taking her hand in his as they walked back towards the cottage.

"So, what happened in the end? With Amella and Jack?" Layla asked, squeezing Alex's hand.

"Well, let's just say they're ancient history now. You don't need to know anymore than that," he smiled.

"You're probably right."

"So, I guess we'll be hanging out in the human world for the foreseeable future?"

"You bet. It may be in my blood, but Faerie isn't the place for me. I'll stick with my boring human life, thank you very much."

"Well, at least you'll have me around to keep things interesting," Alex winked, sending a sparkling ball of golden light flying into the bushes with a flick of his wrist.

"Alright, Harry Potter, let's not get carried away. I think I've seen enough magic for one summer. Actually, for a lifetime."

Alex laughed, placing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her in close as they walked.

"As long as I get to be with you, that's all the magic I need."

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