Party Noob || Poob - Day 2
I groaned as I woke up from my sleep I laid in my bed holding my pillow tight as for I did not want to wake up but I couldn't go back to sleep so I just slowly sat myself up rubbing my eyes before opening them seeing my messy room, I winced in pain as my head started to Throb in pain I quickly tried to massage my head to I don't make my head stop hurting I look at my nightstand and see some pain killers and water who ever took care of me last night and left these here thank you. I grabbed the pill bottle opening it taking two pill out putting them in my mouth before grabbing the water and drinking it
I don't Remember much from last night. The last thing I remember is hearing someone say the juice got spiked and that it. I swallow the pills and just waited it out for it to work before getting up from bed, Walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before going to the kitchen getting my morning cereal and milk. I grabbed my bowl and then poured the cereal in before the milk since I'm not a criminal who pours the milk first, I go grab my phone first before going back to sit down to eat my cereal I start to scroll though my Instagram going through The party pics from last night I noticed that I had texts from Infected.Infected || kas
"H3y dUd3 lazt n1gHt waZ cRaZy, 1 t00k y0u h0m3 laZt niGht caz y0u WaZ cRaZyyz"Party Noob|| Poob
"OMG! Thank you dude XD! Also thankz for the pain killer, w0ke up with a massive Headache"
Infected || kas
"N0 pr0bl3m dUd3! I AlR3aDy Kn3W y0u W0uLd b3 In PaIn LMAO XD"Party Noob|| Poob
"LOL! Guess Yk I can't handle being drunk then!!"
Infected || kas
"You really can't. Don't drink again."
Infected || kas
"aNywAyz! WhAt YoU D0iNg t0DaY!!"Party Noob|| Poob
"None much X3! I might have to go to da store soon I ate all my fav snacks!!"
Infected || kas
"dAmM ThAtz ZuCkz m3 aNd LaMpErT G0nNA HaNg 0uT! h3 H3r3 GTG!!! BYEE"Party Noob|| Poob
"Ah Ok!! Have fun!!!!"
I smiled as I put down my phone and finished eating my cereal going to the sink and just leaving it there say "I'll do it later" knowing well I will not be doing it later, I go over to my closet and choice my usual outfit and quickly go outside to go to the elevator pressing the button. I just stood there and waiting, idk where im going but im going somewhere maybe to get more food for the fridge since i ate half of it already.
The door opened and i looked up from my phone I noticed some chattering but i didn't think much, I entered the elevator and notice that someone was already Inside. Pest was there waiting on the left side of the back wall chilling on his phone I smiled and stand right on his other side not to close to him but still somewhat close which I think he didn't like cause he back away from me but it's whatever, I stayed quiet most time just staring at my phone but I got bored and just started talking to him.
"So pest what you doing 2day??? I'm gonna go to Yum Zlurplie's shop I need to buy some food and I might to the Enphoso to cause I'm bored and they got more food there! and I might go to other place for party supplies but it whatever I'm not Planning a party today since I don't know what to party about!". I just kept yapping along about what I'm gonna do today knowing pest doesn't care but hoping there a chance he does and start talking to me, well he did end up talking cause he gave me a rude "please shut up, I don't care so annoying!" He also said something in Japanese but I don't understand it so idk what he said maybe something bad.
Must Loving Hurt? || PartyBeetle
FanfictionParty Beetle Party Noob Does everything they can to make Pest their friend, Yet Pest lets them down every time with every let down Pest make them face their heart shatter. Why Must Loving Hurt cover art by my bestie<3