By who?

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Those girls....ungrateful little things. After they both pressured me and didn't show any kind of interest in whatever I had to say, I thought that maybe it was the right time to start talking.

,,You'll never believe me...BUT-" deciding on teasing them a little more, I stretched my Story like an old gum. And I knew, that they knew what I was doing. How I knew? Well, if looks could kill, I would have died twice by now.

,,Jesus Christ!" Abi cursed, which made me smile, aswell as wait, because only a few seconds later my awaited yell appeared.

,,WE DON'T CURSE IN THIS HOUSE! ASPECIALLY NOT WITH THE NAME OF THE HOLY SON!" Mom. Uh, how I knew this would happen. But how does Abi never learn? It's always like this... anyway, the story.

,,You L**ser." (I only pronounced the first and last letters, in fear of mom) ,, mom angry again. tsk" I enjoyed her even more killing look.

,,Anyway, as I was saying: You remember Emily, right?" I waited for their nods.

,,Right, she was the girl that just disappeared from school one day, right?" Cassi asked.

,,Yes." I was so exited I could expolde.

,,Now. You already knew that, but I now know the reason why she left." After leaving a dramatic break, I continued. ,,She is pregnant!-" Like a gun shot, their facial expressions changed. I smiled to myself, because that wasn't even the most surprising part. I continued ,,by Mr. Anderson"

I almost heard their jaws fall and hit the ground.

,,And how do you know?" My sister asked. After a moment of silence, which they needed to propress the new informations.

I just smirked, but eventually told them. ,,By people." I was proud of myself for that answer...but it only made Cassie hit me with a pillow.

Sometimes I felt like the two girls shared the same brain with the same reactions and moves, because I saw the pillow already glentched in Abi's hand.

,,Okay. Pipe down. She's pragnet.. ? BY WHO!?" Abi had to hear it a second time to belive it. ,,By who?!" She asked to be sure she didn't hear me wrong.

Pronouncing his name for her like I would for a todler ,,Mister A-N-D-E-R-S-O-N, Anderson. Mister Anderson."

Cassi just laughed by now. ,,I mean...I knew she was a whor-" clearing her throat and stopping herself before she cursed (in fear of mom) ,,A person who slept with many people, but still. Her teacher? And then mr. Anderson?" She was wheezing now.

I didn't understand what she meant. ,,What's wrong with Mr. Anderson?"

Instead of answering me the two girls turned their heads, giving each other the same look. They made me wonder if I really was Abi's twin or if it was Cassi.

,,You know.." Abi started... ,,he's kinda..." Cassi kept going... ,,really ugly?" Abi finsihed their sentence. (Maybe they really were the real twins).

,,Excuse me?" I didn't know why but I felt offended. ,,No he is not. I think he looks alright." Maybe I felt offended because I thought that he kinda looked fine.

,,Yeah..." Abi started. ,,Whaterever you say..." Cassi finished.

,,Ugh. Could you stop the team speaking? It's fuc- , its annoying." I spoke angrily, feeling outnumbered, by my own twin.

,,He's a out of ten." I keept arguing.

,,Sure..." this time they spoke in synchron. I rolled my eyes.

,,You only say that cause you're gay." Abi almost yelled.

,,Will you be quiet!?" I shouted in a quiet tone. ,, Or else she will hear you."

After that, the silence was loud.

Everything you could hear was the rain against the window, and some noises from the kitchen, where mom and dad were making dinner.

The ticking of Abi's oldtimer clock harmonized with the soft sound of water running down the gutters.

,,So..." Cassi was the first to talk after some time. It made the situation even more awkward in my opinion.

The silence remaind. We were all waiting for something, anything to happen. Nothing.

,,Yeah... well I just wanted you guys to know. Have fun... doing... whatever you were doing before I got here." I got up and left them alone.

Walking to my room, I stopped in the hallway, eavesdropping on my parents conversation, making sure they didn't hear us.

,,Did you buy onions?" Dad asked. Mom answered. ,,No, but I think there are some left in the..." -Good. Thank god. Everythings fine.

I kept walking. Entering my room and closing my door behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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