Questionable Lesson Plans

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Wednesdays means early wake up for Georgie to go early to campus and meet with Fairy Godmother, or any students who request a meeting, to make sure things are running smoothly. Nothing seems to be much out of place, just the usual requests in the anonymous feedback box like: cafeteria needs more mangoes, or, do you think we could build a new tennis court so the wait isn't as long? or her favourite, can we make it mandatory that the tourney players shower after their morning practices?

Getting through the slips of paper leaves Georgie with some time to go over things for the visiting parents on the weekend. Everything would have to be perfect for them, otherwise the feedback box is going to be stuffed with parents complaining about the littlest inconvenience. The outgoing Student Body President, Astoria, had warned Georgie before she graduated about Parent's Day. Apparently last year, they'd made the mistake of serving the hors d'œuvres too late and Astoria's office was filled with little slips of paper complaining about the poor service for weeks.

The thought of the box stressing her out, she decides to open the video file Ben sent her from the rehearsal for the Parent's Day performance she had missed because of her shoulder. The nurse gave her the all clear the day before so now her arm is free from the sling. Besides, she can do more paperwork-related things during Remedial Goodness 101. She first looks around to make sure no one is entering the student lounge and once she is absolutely certain the cost is clear, she begins to mirror the routine. She can't help but look at Lonnie in the back of the video, seeing her talking with Audrey makes her suddenly feel a pang of jealousy. She misses her friend. Hopefully Lonnie would swing by fencing practice later tonight like she said she would and things would go back to normal. Whatever normally really even means these days anyway.

Sometime later, Georgie finds herself a little frazzled with the steps. Is it step snap step? Or step step snap step?

Without warning she's pulled out of her thoughts by the warning bell going off, meaning she's only got five minutes to head across the main building to Remedial Goodness 101. She quickly shuts her laptop and packs up her belongings.

She makes it all the way to the foyer that connects to the classroom before the second bell goes off, officially marking her late. She mutters "Dang it," under her breath as she hurries up her speed walk even more. Maybe Fairy Godmother will be late for once? Or maybe she won't notice...

As she crosses the threshold of the classroom, she hears the exact voice she happens to not want to hear in that moment. "Miss Philip you are twenty-four seconds late. Do we need to have a chat about the importance of punctuality?"

"No, no, uh, not again...thank you," she says, trying to save face by adding in politeness at the end.

To her luck, Fairy Godmother seems to accept her words and move on. Like normal, Georgie slowly pulls out her student council work and starts to go over it.

But near the end of the class, Fairy Godmother apparently decides to spice things up. "Since you all have been doing charmingly well, this week we're going to do some more advanced questions and their practical applications. So, today's scenario is going to have multiple steps. Georgie, can you come up to the front, please?" Everyone turns to Georgie and she looks up from her student council work, eyes wide. She nervously makes her way to the front of the room where she guides Georgie to where she wants her to stand.

Once Fairy Godmother is satisfied she strides over to the chalkboard and flips it over as she speaks. "You find Georgie in a deep sleep in the stairwell, what should you do: A, laugh at her. B, try and wake her up. Or C, draw a moustache on her face?"

Evie raises her hand and Fairy Godmother picks on her. "B. I'd try to wake her up."

Fairy Godmother nods letting Evie know her answer is correct. Evie gives Georgie a proud smile. So far Georgie isn't really seeing why she needed to come up to the front for this.

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