Chapter 5 - Author's Notes (Part 4)

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Chapter 5 – Author's Notes (Part 4)

Is there an "ology" (like "pathology" and/or "psychology") for "the study of choosing "paths decided by making choices" and those path's/choices' probable "outcomes based on possibility""?

Is one's "say so" ever an attempt at proving one's (supposed) belief true? For example, "via one's mental voice", one says "they hear my mental voice". Can one's "say so" prove anything other than one's "having said"/"knowing how to say" something?

Are analog audio cassette tape recorders' "recorded speech of people" safe from (without being recorded over) ever having the recorded speech ""changed into different speech" via the device being ""tampered with" or hacked""?

The recorded audio on any "analog only" audio cassette tape recorder is not able to be ""tampered with" or hacked" in such a way when it comes to what is on that specific "analog only" audio cassette tape recorder device, however if the recorded audio is recorded by/onto a different device, then the copy of the recorded audio can definitely be ""tampered with" or hacked" in such a way depending on what kind of device that the copy of recorded audio is/was recorded by/onto and also depending on what form the copy of recorded audio exists/existed as (such as digital).

Does one's defense ever require any "earning something (physical or non-physical) from someone" in order for that defense to be a valid defense?

When you're thinking, do you address yourself on the first or second person?

Animals: Despite poor aptitude/awareness for identifying self-aspects, if a mother helps a "different-species mother who is trying to help her own kid-offspring", is that (a) "understanding/concept/feelings of "value(s) & sympathy" in her thinking"?

Regarding "different non-human animals'" poor aptitude/awareness for identifying self-aspects, does any non-human animal realize/recognize that it sees its own visible appearance when it "looks at "its own reflection" in a physical man-made mirror"?

What are different kinds of ""the "carrying out" of forms of judgement" that is able to be done/undergone by (a) human(s)" that (a) human(s) show(s) being able to "do or undergo" while alive on this planet?

Regarding brain synchrony, when people are simultaneously exposed to the same others, they "think, feel and act" in response to those others, and patterns of activity in their brains allign. What about if "two different people in two different countries" are exposed to "different but identical others", would brain synchrony of those two people's brains (in relation with each other) happen in response to those "others"?

When people are simultaneously exposed to the same others, they "think, feel and act" in response to those others, and patterns of activity in their brains allign, such is Brain Synchrony. This is what is meant when it is said that any particular people "are on the same wavelength" at particular periods of time (usually short periods of time such as 15 minutes).

If brain synchrony can happen regarding a set of people all "thinking, feeling and acting" in response to others without those others having to be the same source, such as a set of people being in different countries than each other and they are simultaneously exposed to "different but identical others",

for example: The insides of "two different facilities in two different countries" are "built, constructed, and set up" to be identical. Both facilities symultaneously have the same things play (in sync) on all of the "screens and speakers" inside of those facilities. There are two different people in each of those facilities and they are simultaneously exposed to "different but identical "screens and speakers" playing (in sync) idententical things as each other".

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