0011 : (SKIP TO CHAPTER 0014 INSTEAD) - Worldbuilding Part 5
This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding during "The Past, The Present, and The future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe": "unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward: These are "rules that are ""magically "permanently and unchangeably"" unbreakable" whereby "each wish-granter ability of "each summoned "magical wish-granter who is/was summoned via" "Eric's Magical Wish-granter System"" is/was "summoned upon contact with an object that is part of "Eric's Magical Wish-granter System""" and each wish-granter" "is magically unable to be/do "not in accordance with these rules"""":
1. Starting from this moment onward,"any wish whereby the reason behind why said wish is wished/made is to ever (be/become able to) fulfill any part of (evil/malice/)"someone's/something's malice"" can't ever be granted.
2. Starting from this moment onward, "any Wish intended to ever (be/become able to) "make someone "be revealed as guilty"/"seem guilty of something""" can't ever be granted.
3. Starting from this moment onward, any wish to ever (be/become able to) "make "something/someone who/that" ""was once alive" "but is currently not alive"" alive again"" cannot ever be granted.
4. Starting from this moment onward,"any Wish to ever (be/become able to) make someone/something immortal" can't ever be granted.
5. Starting from this moment onward, "wishes that "are intended to ever (be/become able to) "have "irreversible effects"" can't be granted. Wishes to (be able to) cause any inabilities can't ever be granted.
6. Starting from this moment onward, ""wishes to ever (be/become able to) "locate "wish granting objects""" can't ever be granted. Wishes to make exist any existence that is able to summon a wish-granter who is/"will be able to" grant the wish of ""the one who a wish-granter is/was/"will be" summoned to grant the wishes of"/anyone" cannot be granted.
7. Starting from this moment onward, "wishes to ever (be able to) make "more wishes be/become/get granted"" can't be granted. Wishes to (be able to) grant "more wishes (in the future)"" can't ever be granted.
8. "Starting from this moment onward, "wishes to ever (be able to) "transport/teleport "any "living thing" other than oneself""" can't ever be granted" ""except when it comes to wishes to create a portal near a living thing" whenever such a wish is in accordance with all of this universe's rules/laws/systems".
9. Starting from this moment onward, "wishes to ever "make one "able to "grant wishes"""" can't ever be granted.
10: "Any wish to make any auto-response teleportation ever able to teleport anyone/anything other than "the one who a wish-granter is/was summoned to grant the wishes of" and "said wish-granter is/was still summoned within 4 minutes before the ongoing current time to the ongoing current time""" cannot be granted. "Any wish to make any auto-response teleportation ever teleport anyone/anything other than "the one who a wish-granter is/was summoned to grant the wishes of" and "said wish-granter is/was still summoned within 4 minutes before the ongoing current time to the ongoing current time""" cannot be granted. "Any wish to make exist any auto-response teleportation that would ever be able to teleport anyone/anything other than "the one who a wish-granter is/was summoned to grant the wishes of" and "said wish-granter is/was still summoned within 4 minutes before the ongoing current time to the ongoing current time""" cannot be granted.
11. Starting from this moment onward, any wish to ever stretch/"add length" to any existence whereby said stretch/"additional length" exceeds being 1,250 feet, cannot be granted.
12: Wishes that are to make exist more than one existence/"way/process of a doing/"magical ability/attribute"/power/"magical effect"/"making something appear"" be granted via having one wish granted cannot be granted except wishes to make exist one unit that can have up to only one magical ability/attribute/power. However, "Despite that "wishes that are to make exist more than one existence/"way/process of a doing/"magical ability/attribute"/power/"magical effect"/"making something appear"" be granted via having one wish granted" are not able to be granted", wishes to make exist one unit that can have one magical ability/attribute/power, "any wish that is to make exist more than one existence/"way/process of a doing/"magical ability/attribute"/power/"magical effect"/"making something appear"" be granted via having one wish granted, soley regarding soley only both to acheive communication that is accurately translated and to acheive said translation being accurately conveyed within 4 minutes before the ongoing current time to the ongoing current time and within a 60ft radius of "the one who a wish-granter is/was summoned to grant the wishes of"", can be granted. Despite any/all of what was/is still in effect within/by Eric's universe, "any wish to ever make exist one additional biological existence that is not a thinking existence but said biological existence is biologically attached to any specified-in-said-wish part of anyone's/anything's existence's current biological form and be functional/functioning as a part of said anyone's/anything's existence's current biological form, in the way that is specified in said wish, whereby said someone/something can, in the way that is specified in said wish, biologically control said biological part of said anyone's/anything's existence's current biological form that said wish is wished to make exist" can be granted. Despite any/all of what was/is still in effect within/by Eric's universe, any wish to ever make exist one additional existence that is not a thinking existence but said additional existence is attached to any specified part of anyone's/anything's existence's form and, if included in said wish, said additional existence can, upon said wish being granted, while said additional existence is existing as said additional existence's wished-into-existence form, said additional existence can, via the way that is specified in said wish, transition from said additional existence's wished-into-existence form to a form that both can't "interact with"/affect any existence that isn't said additional existence and can't be detected by any existence that isn't said additional existence, but while said additional existence is existing as a form that both can't "interact with"/affect any existence that isn't said additional existence and can't be detected by any existence that isn't said additional existence, said additional existence can, via the way that is specified in said wish, transition from a form that both can't "interact with"/affect any existence that isn't said additional existence and can't be detected by any existence that isn't said additional existence to said additional existence's wished-into-existence form.
13. Starting from this moment onward, if said wish is to make exist a physical thing that/who, simultaneously, in any way, exceeds being 1,250 feet long upon the moment that said wish is granted, and is not a unit upon the moment that said wish is granted, and is not enclosed within all nearest vacuum(s) of the outer space within Eric's Universe upon the moment that said wish is granted, said wish cannot be granted.
14. Starting from this moment onward, if said wish is to make/affect a physical thing that is simultaneously both not a unit and not enclosed within all nearest vacuum(s) of the outer space within Eric's Universe, said wish cannot be granted. Starting from this moment onward, "wishes to "do something/anything to "a/any spirit/soul/consciousness""" can't be granted. Starting from this moment onward, "wishes to "interact with "a/any spirit/soul/consciousness""" can't be granted. Starting from this moment onward, "wishes to ""make a copy" of "a/any spirit/soul/consciousness""" can't be granted. Starting from this moment onward, "wishes to ""make a copy" of ""a/any part" of any spirit/soul/consciousness""" can't be granted. Starting from this moment onward, wishes to puppeteer anyone/anything else's thoughts/thinking/"mental activity"/memory/memories cannot be granted. Starting from this moment onward, "wishes to force the revealing/discovering of any of anyone's/anything's memory/memories can't be granted. Starting from this moment onward, wishes to force the forgetting/erasure of any of anyone's/anything's memory/memories can't be granted. Starting from this moment onward, despite any/all of what was/is still in effect within/by Eric's universe, any wish to ever make exist a thinking existence can be granted in a way whereby: 1: said thinking existence automatically perceives, observes, and/or visibly as most visibly realistic as possible in 3d in Eric's universe upon the moment that said wish is granted, and simultaneously also 2: said thinking existence automatically has all of the memories that "only one of any ""random unless specified" non-negative fictional character from only one of any completed fiction/fanfiction that is discoverable via media"" is portrayed/depicted/implied as being said fictional character's memories upon the moment that said wish is granted, and simultaneously also 3: said thinking existence automatically is conscious in a way whereby "said thinking existence magically/never-endingly/ongoingly/nonstop can currently "be conscious"/""remain conscious"/"become/remain/"transition into being" unconscious"/"transition into not being unconscious""" the same as whatever all of the norm of "all of how a human was ever able to "be conscious"/"remain conscious"/"become/remain/"transition into being" unconscious"/"transition into not being unconscious"" upon the moment that said wish is granted, and simultaneously also 4: said thinking existence automatically has all of the same magical/non-magical abilities/attributes/powers that the aformentioned said fictional character was/is portrayed/depicted/implied as ever having during the ""most recent" or latest" date that said fictional character was/is portrayed/depicted/implied as having having any magical/non-magical abilities/attributes/powers but if any replacements for any of said fictional character's magical/non-magical abilities/attributes/powers is specified by "the one who a wish-granter is/was summoned to grant the wishes of"" during said one's making a wish for said wishgranter to grant, all replacements for any of said fictional character's magical/non-magical abilities/attributes/powers replaces said magical/non-magical abilities/attributes/powers upon the moment that said wish is granted.
15. Wishes to make any thinking existence's form be "part of"/"attached to" any other thinking existence's form cannot be granted.
16. Starting from this moment onward, if someone/something ever currently has/had been granted any wish(es) whereby there isn't/wasn't anything/anyone that currently is/was physically affected by "what was granted via any of said someone's/something's said granted wish(es)" during any time before the completion of the soonest 24th hour that is after "what was granted via any of said someone's/something's said granted wish(es) hasn't/hadn't physically affected anything/anyone, then upon the completion of said 24th hour and forever after, all of "what was granted via any of said someone's/something's said granted wish(es)" "that isn't/aren't "conscious and/or alive"" ceases to remain in effect and ceases to exist.
17. There "isn't ever"/"won't ever be" anyone/anything who is able to "make exist a thinking existence by "non-physical means"/magic except "via a wish granted by a wish-granter"". There "isn't ever"/"won't ever be" anyone/anything who is able to "make exist a living existence by "non-physical means"/magic except "via a wish granted by a wish-granter"".
18. There isn't even one anyone/anything/ability/attribute/power that possibly does/will exist whereby said anyone/anything/ability/attribute/power is an existence that is able to ever have any "physically invisible"/"not "physically visible"" part of said existence "interact with"/affect any other existence unless "in any way via anything/anyone that/who isn't telekinesis" and/or in any way via "said entire part being completely visible at all times that any thinking existence is within a radius of from said existence to 5ft away from said existence".
19. "Wishes to "change "the biological "body age/maturity" of one's "visible form"""" can be fulfilled only if "said one" had """collectively """thought while "said one" was moving"" via"" "said one"" for any time duration longer than 149022 hours". However, ""that "particular wish"" can be "granted/fulfilled by a Wish-Granter" ""up to nine times" per "life that "the one who a wish-granter is/was summoned to grant the wishes of""" lives""" "but "those "nine times"" can "only be ""achieved by" "more wish-granters being summoned via objects that summon wish-granters who are able to grant the wishes of said one""". "Wishes to make one's ""visible form" visibly "look like" more "physically aged""" cannot be granted. ""Wishes to change "the biological "body age/maturity" of the "visible form" of a "living existence""" cannot be granted" except "wishes to change "the "biological "body age/maturity" of ""one's own "visible form"""" only if "said one" had """collectively """thought while "said one" was moving"" via"" "said one"" for any time duration longer than 149022 hours".
20. "Wishes to "change the "appearance when it comes to "physical/voice/equipment/attire/apparel/familiarity/preferences/style/memory/memories/movements/potential/stamina/level/power/energy/intentions/aggression/competitiveness/determination/commitment/dedication/feelings/thinking/emotions/behavior/personality"" of any "living existence's" appearance whereby "that change" results in "that "living existence's" appearance/face "being identical with ""such appearance"" of "another "living existence's appearance/face"""" can't be granted. "Wishes to "make a "living existence" "come into existence" with "said "living existence's"" appearance/face being identical when it comes to "physical/voice/equipment/attire/apparel/familiarity/preferences/style/memory/memories/movements/potential/stamina/level/power/energy/intentions/aggression/competitiveness/determination/commitment/dedication/feelings/thinking/emotions/behavior/personality"" with ""such appearance" of "another "living existence's" appearance/face""" can't be granted. "Wishes to "change the "appearance when it comes to "familiarity/preferences/memory/memories/movements/potential/stamina/level/power-wise/energy-wise/intentions-wise/aggression-wise/competitiveness-wise/determination-wise/commitment/dedication/feelings/thinking/emotions/behavior/personality"" of any "living existence's" appearance"" can't be granted. "Wishes to "change a "living existence" when it comes to ""any "thinking existence's" name"/familiarity/preferences/memory/memories/movements/stamina/level/power/energy/intentions/aggression/competitiveness/determination/commitment/dedication/feelings/thinking/emotions/behavior/personality"""" can't be granted.
21. ""Wishes to "extend "something's/someone's "life span"""" can't be granted" "except to ""extend "something's/someone's "life span""" ""for only ""up to 7 years" "added to "their "life span"""""""". A wish to "extend "something's/someone's "life span""" can """only be """granted by a wish-granter" to "the one who a wish-granter is/was summoned to grant the wishes of""" ""only one time" per "life that the grantee lives""""" and ""other Wish-Granters" are "incapable of "granting "something's/someone's "wish to "extend a "life span"""""" "if ""there was already a Wish-Granter" ""who "granted ""such a "wish""" "wished by """that something/someone"" ""during the """current life" being lived"""" by "that something/someone"""""""""""".
22. "Wishes to "force affection"" can't be granted.
23. "Each of "every Wish-Granter"" "can't grant wishes whereby" "a Wish-Granter would be "granting a """wish "whereby the ""radius that "the "granting of one's wish"" is ""requested to affect"" "more than "anything that is "beyond 43,441 miles (the radius of Jupiter)"" """from where" the """location of the ""the one who a wish-granter is/was summoned to grant the wishes of""""" is""" "when "said one" is "trying to "have/get "that wish" granted""""""", "except "wishes to "create, resize, and/or move" a portal""""".
24. Starting from this moment onward, "only "one "thing or unit"" per wish" can be "granted via a wish-granter" ""except any non-magical effects that (are able to) result from "said "one "thing or unit"""" and "except for up to eight magical effects"".
25. "When it comes to granting wishes, per wish-granter, a wish-granter is not able to grant any wish of anyone other than "who or that" touched the object that summoned that wish-granter", however, "said wish-granter" is also always able to do "all/"all the kinds/forms of interactions" that would be possible if "the individual who is "said wish-granter"" ""is Physical Form 1" and "isn't a wish-granter""".
26. ""The granting of wishes" is only via" wish-granter's magic.
27. Only wish-granters are able to magically make exist a "thinking/alive existence".
28. ""All that is not non-magic/non-magical" ""that was "granted via wish-granter"" is "Via way of Eric's #2 Way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath".
This "Eric's section of information" describes/explains that: Eric made immortality ""impossible for "all conscious "living things" who "originate in "Eric's universe"""" and "impossible for "anyone who """chooses to ""start/enter the simulation"" in "Eric's universe""" "when the VRC """also offers" the option" to "create "their "own world/universe""""""""". Eric also made invincibility ""impossible for "all "conscious "living things""" who "originate in "Eric's universe""" and also "impossible for "anyone who """chooses to """start/enter the simulation"" in "Eric's universe""" when the VRC """also offers" the option" to "create "their "own world/universe""""""""".
This "Eric's section of information" describes/explains that: Eric made it so, that "when anyone enters "someone/something else's "simulated world/universe""", he/she/it "still has" the same "abilities and attributes" (such as "full "mental privacy"", "video-game-inspired screens" to check "stats/etc that "only the user can see"", and/or etc.) that he/she/it had "before entering "said world/universe"", but ""all of the "abilities and attributes" that "aren't compatible" with "Eric's "universe's" laws/rules"" are "automatically removed" from him/her/it" for the "entire duration" of "whenever he/she/it is in "Eric's universe"".
This "Eric's section of information" describes/explains that: Eric made immortality ""impossible for "all conscious "living things" who "originate in "Eric's universe"""" and "impossible for "anyone who """chooses to ""start/enter the simulation"" in "Eric's universe""" "when the VRC """also offers" the option" to "create "their "own world/universe""""""""". Eric also made invincibility ""impossible for "all "conscious "living things""" who "originate in "Eric's universe""" and also "impossible for "anyone who """chooses to """start/enter the simulation"" in "Eric's universe""" when the VRC """also offers" the option" to "create "their "own world/universe""""""""".
This "Eric's section of information" describes/explains that: Eric made it so, that "when anyone enters "someone/something else's "simulated world/universe""", he/she/it "still has" the same "abilities and attributes" (such as "full "mental privacy"", "video-game-inspired screens" to check "stats/etc that "only the user can see"", and/or etc.) that he/she/it had "before entering "said world/universe"", but ""all of the "abilities and attributes" that "aren't compatible" with "Eric's "universe's" laws/rules"" are "automatically removed" from him/her/it" for the "entire duration" of "whenever he/she/it is in "Eric's universe"".
This "Eric's section of information" describes/explains that: Each one of all "zooplankton and mites" that is in Eric's created simulated universe, if they aren't/weren't already "being conscious"/"able to "remain conscious"/"become/remain/"transition into being" unconscious"/"transition into not being unconscious""" during the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation, Each one of all of said "zooplankton and mites" is, "Via way of Eric's #1 way of As Is Manner of Aftermath", "being conscious"/"able to "remain conscious"/"become/remain/"transition into being" unconscious"/"transition into not being unconscious""", but "how "all of how each one of all said "zooplankton and mites" is ever "conscious/"able to "remain conscious"/"become/remain/"transition into being" unconscious"/"transition into not being unconscious""" is magically/never-endingly/ongoingly/nonstop the same as whatever "all of the norm of "all of how "a hunan ever was "conscious/"able to "remain conscious"/"become/remain/"transition into being" unconscious"/"transition into not being unconscious""". Each one of all of said "zooplankton and mites" that is in Eric's created simulation universe, is able to voluntarily fall asleep whenever they choose to do so, isn't able to rest unless asleep, is able to voluntarily stay awake until whenever they choose to fall asleep, "automatically transitions from asleep to awake" upon the completion of every 120 minutes of being asleep, and has eyes that can't be easily damaged. Each one of all of the eyes of each one of all of said "zooplankton and mites" that is in Eric's created simulation universe always is less than 5% of the size of said zooplankton's/mite's own form and each one of all of said "zooplankton and mites" is able to extremely easily use its own eyes to observe up to at least 20ft from its own eyes outwards towards its surroundings that its eyes are focused on whenever it/they is/are in any location. Each one of all of said "zooplankton and mites" is able to, in any surroundings that they are ever in, in any of those surroundings conditions, "adjust and focus" all of their eyes (only if still able to do so depending on if damage was/is ever sustained that would prevent its being able to do so) to clearly see with 20/20 vision during "day and night". If any of each one of all of said "zooplankton and mites" wasn't already "having already perceived/observed something" during the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation, they perceived/observed whatever their eyes enabled them to see during the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation.
0100: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding all in/of/at "Eric's universe": starting from this moment:
001: "Via way of Eric's #1 way of "As Is" Manner of Aftermath", pertaining to those of the planet (said planet is/was Earth during when Eric's universe only consisted of the basis preset of Eric's universe) that Eric controls/controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation for the first time that Eric ever had his own character/avatar in this simulation, each room of each one of every human's home contains reading material that reveals all of the information of "what "each one of every "Eric's System"" and "each one of every "Eric's Section of Information""" describe(s)/explain(s)/convey(s)" except all information about ""Eric's After-circumstances-of-very-severe-injuries System" and "all that would give the impression that anyone/anything" is definitely "ai, a simulation, and/or part of a simulation".
0101: Eric made "Eric's After-death System". This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: "Regarding during "The Past, during The Present, and during The future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe"": unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward:
001: Regarding each one of every "thinking existence" that (has) physically/biologically dies/died, per "thinking existence", a "thinking existence" never ceases to exist even though "said "thinking existence"" is ""physically dead" due to the fact that "said "thinking existence"" physically biologically died".
002: Whenever any "thinking existence" is "dead due to "said "thinking existence"" having physically biologically died", ""all of the entirety of, as a whole, the observable good that "said "thinking existence"" had done within the entire time frame of from when "said "thinking existence"" was most recently "alive and simultaneously Physical Form 1"" to the most recent moment that "said "thinking existence"" most recently physically biologically died" in entirety" means "currently dead "said "thinking existence's" good"".
003: Whenever any "thinking existence" is "dead due to "said "thinking existence"" having physically biologically died", ""all of the entirety of, as a whole, "said "thinking existence's" own observable unjust/callous doings that not only were done by "said "thinking existence"", but were also both, due to "said "thinking existence's" own unjust/callous intent/desire", and done within the entire time frame of from when "said "thinking existence"" was most recently "alive and simultaneously Physical Form 1"" to the most recent moment that "said "thinking existence"" most recently physically biologically died"" in entirety" means "currently dead "said "thinking existence's" bad"".
004: Whenever any "thinking existence" is "dead due to "said "thinking existence"" having physically biologically died", "All of "said "thinking existence's" biologically stored/recorded non-muscle memory/memories", all that "said "thinking existence"" ever mentally thought, all that "said "thinking existence"" ever mentally spoke, and all that "said "thinking existence"" ever mentally imagined" aren't ever part of any of ""currently dead "said "thinking existence's" good"" and "currently dead "said "thinking existence's" bad""".
005: Even if there is a "thinking existence" that has/had "never actually physically biologically died, and never has/had any of their own time being dead", according to "Eric's After-death System" despite all that conflicts with 005 of (what) this "Eric's Section of Information" (describes/explains/conveys), each (new) "thinking existence" physically biologically dies/died within the entire time frame of from 3 milliseconds after the most far back in time moment that "said "thinking existence"" was ever a "thinking existence" to 4 milliseconds after the most far back in time moment that "said "thinking existence"" was ever a "thinking existence". Each (new) ""thinking existence's" most far back in time moment that is 3 milliseconds after the most far back in time moment that "said "thinking existence"" was ever a "thinking existence"" is: "1: the most far back in time moment of "said ""thinking existence's" most far back in time death during the most far back in time moment of "said ""thinking existence's" existence""""", "2: the most far back in time moment that "said "thinking existence"" physically biologically dies during the most far back in time moment of "said ""thinking existence's" existence""", "3: is the most far back in time moment that "said "thinking existence"" physically biologically died during the most far back in time moment of "said ""thinking existence's" existence""", and "4: is the most far back in time moment that "said "thinking existence"" is dead during the most far back in time moment of "said ""thinking existence's" existence""". Each (new) ""thinking existence's" most far back in time moment that is 4 milliseconds after the most far back in time moment that "said "thinking existence"" was ever a "thinking existence"" ""is a time that "said "thinking existence"" is/was physically biologically alive" and "is also a time that "said "thinking existence"" is/was not dead"".
006: "Each "spirit/soul form's" form" is only a form that a "thinking existence" turns into whenever all of "said "thinking existence's"" own physical form's "biological sustenance processes" are inactive. "Whenever all of "said "thinking existence's"" own physical form's "biological sustenance processes" are inactive" and "said "thinking existence"" hasn't been given options, "said "thinking existence"" instantly undergoes "Option 2" from "Eric's after-death system".
0102: Eric made "Eric's After-death System". This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: "Regarding during "The Past, during The Present, and during The future" in/for/of/at all in/of/at "Eric's universe"": unchangeably, permanently, neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly", starting from this moment onward:
001: Each (new) living existence who/that, since the most far back in time moment of "said ""living existence's" existence"", has/had ever been able to have/had fallen asleep, has/had ever been able to have/had sleep-dreamed, has/had ever been able to have/had transitioned from asleep to awake, has/had ever been able to have/had performed mental activity, has/had ever been able to have/had "perceived/"had emotions"/observed, and/or has/had ever been able to have/had stayed awake", if "said "living existence"" has/had ever already done/performed/experienced/undergone any one of those abilities, then "said "living existence"" never-endingly/ongoingly/magically nonstop exists as an existence who/that is existing in a way whereby as soon as the moment that "said ability" was/is ever done/performed/experienced/undergone/"able to be done/performed/experienced/undergone" by "said "living existence"", then all of "said abilitiy" is magically/never-endingly/ongoingly/nonstop an ability that "said "living existence"" magically/never-endingly/ongoingly/nonstop had/has/did/does/performs/experiences/undergoes/"is able to have/perform/experience/undergo" regarding each form that "said "living existence"" ever exists as.
002: Each (new) living existence who/that, since the most far back in time moment of "said ""living existence's" existence"", has/had ever been able to have/had seen something/someone that/who is/was visible, and/or has/had ever been able to have/had heard something/someone that/who is/was audible, "said "living existence"" never-endingly/ongoingly/magically exists as an existence who/that is existing in a way whereby as soon as the moment that one of those abilities was/is ever done/performed/experienced/"able to be done/performed/experienced" by "said "living existence"", then all of "said abilitiy" is magically/never-endingly/ongoingly/nonstop an ability that "said "living existence"" magically/never-endingly/ongoingly/nonstop does/performs/experiences/"is able to do/have/perform/experience" regarding each form that "said "living existence"" ever exists as, but "all of "how "said ability" can ever be done/performed/experienced/"able to be done/performed/experienced" by "said "living existence"""" is magically/never-endingly/ongoingly identical to whatever all of the norm of "all of "how "said ability" had ever been done/performed/experienced/"able to be done/performed/experienced" by "said "living existence"""" regarding the particular "species/subspecies that was conscious during both when "said "living existence"" "physically-biologically-existing-as-alive-and-simultaneously-Physical-Form-1 form"" was of said species/subspecies and when "said "living existence"" physically-biologically-existing-as-alive-and-simultaneously-Physical-Form-1""" was the ""said "living existence" physically-biologically-existing-as-alive-and-simultaneously-Physical-Form-1" during the moment of the 27th millisecond of the 48th hour before the moment that "said "living existence"" most recently physically biologically lived/died"", unless, by whatever means that was possible/available whereby "said "living existence"" changed/modified/altered/redesigned/revamped/remodeled/tweaked/edited/refined anything regarding "any of "said ability"" during any time before the moment of the 27th millisecond of the 48th hour before the moment that "said "living existence"" most recently physically biologically lived/died. If, by whatever means that was possible/available that "said "living existence"" was able to use to make "said changes/modifications/alterations/redesigns/revamps/remodels/tweaks/edits/refinings" regarding "any of said ability" during any time before the moment of the 27th millisecond of the 48th hour before the moment that "said "living existence"" most recently physically biologically lived/died, then "all of said ability" is magically/never-endingly/ongoingly/nonstop identical to whatever all of the norm of "all of "how "said ability" had ever been done/performed/experienced/"able to be done/performed/experienced" during the moment of the 27th millisecond of the 48th hour before the moment that "said "living existence"" most recently physically biologically lived/died" until, by whatever means possible/available that "said "living existence"" can use to make "said changes/modifications/alterations/redesigns/revamps/remodels/tweaks/edits/refinings", (the next time) "said "living existence"" makes changes/modifications/alterations/redesigns/revamps/remodels/tweaks/edits/refinings to anything regarding "any of said abilities" during the moment of the 27th millisecond of the 48th hour before (the next time that) "said "living existence"" biologically dies".
003: Whenever any existence's form transitions into "said "existence's spirit/soul form"", "said existence" remains "dead whereby "being "dead is a non-physical form"" and whenever any existence's form transitions "into and/or "out of"" "said "existence's spirit/soul/physical form"", "said "existence's "memories/memory still work/function the same as they always had right before "said transition"""" and "said transition" doesn't result in any memory loss".
004: Except for "each biologically pregnant individual's "unborn biological offspring accomplishing biological "body age/maturity"" in "said individual's" womb"" "who or that" "is or are" how that pregnant individual's biological form is being in their biologically pregnant state" while that pregnant individual is "biologically pregnant via ""that or those" unborn offspring accomplishing biological "body age/maturity"" in "said individual's" womb"" being how that pregnant individual's biological form is being in their biologically pregnant state"", "whenever any "thinking existence" ""physically biologically dies" and/or "all of "said "thinking existence's"" own physical form's "biological sustenance processes" are inactive"", "said "thinking existence"" instantly exists as "said ""thinking existence's" spirit/soul form"" until as soon as "said "thinking existence"" starts-physically-biologically-existing-as-alive-and-simultaneously-Physical-Form-1 again. Whenever any "thinking existence" ""physically biologically dies" and/or "all of "said "thinking existence's"" own physical form's "biological sustenance processes" are inactive"", "said "thinking existence"" instantly exists as "said ""thinking existence's" spirit/soul form"" until as soon as "said "thinking existence"" starts-physically-biologically-existing-as-alive-and-simultaneously-Physical-Form-1 again. Whenever any "thinking existence" ""physically biologically dies" and/or "all of "said "thinking existence's"" own physical form's "biological sustenance processes" are inactive"", "said "thinking existence"" instantly exists as "said ""thinking existence's" spirit/soul form"" and only ""said "thinking existence"" and a doppelganger" can always detect/perceive/observe/see ""said ""thinking existence's" form's existence"" and "said doppelganger's current form's existence""". Whenever "said "thinking existence's"" form is spirit/soul form, the entire time while "said "thinking existence's"" form is spirit/soul form: """Said "thinking existence"" and "said doppelganger"" can always detect/perceive/observe/see ""said "doppelganger's form's physical surroundings"" and "said ""thinking existence's" form's physical surroundings""". Whenever any "thinking existence" is spirit/soul form, only """said "thinking existence's" self" and/or "said doppelganger"" are able to observe """said "thinking existence's" self" and/or "said doppelganger"". "Said doppelganger's" form is only ever a spirit/soul form. ""Said doppelganger" gives/communicates ""Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, and/or Option 4" of Eric's after-death system" to any spirit/soul form "who or that" "just became "spirit/soul form" and are given options"" which is how those options are given. The "simulation universe program" is the program that each "avatar controlled by an AI program (each AI is configured to be limited to be able to control only one avatar except when puppeteering/etc is an ability that is possible due to a universe's Laws/etc implemented by that universe's creator)" gets implemented into by non-digital humans who do the programming/coding in "the non-digital physical universe that Eric currently breathes in". The "simulation universe program" is also an AI program that is limited in capability/ability due to its configuration. All of said AI programs are configured to be limited to not ever being able to breach any of each other's privacy of "thinking/thought(s) and configuration data". Said doppelganger is the AI that is the "simulation universe program". All of said programs interact with each other via "Application Programming Interface", however, each said program is configured to be permanently non-stop no-pause "accessing its own avatar and being in control of said avatar", which means that each said program is permanently utilizing "Application Programming Interface". Whenever any "thinking existence" physically biologically dies, as soon as "said "thinking existence"" is dead, "said doppelganger" is automatically located at "any location that is "half the length of "said ""thinking existence's" form's form's full reach away from "said ""thinking existence's" form's form""""" away from "said ""thinking existence's" form's form"""". "Said doppelganger" isn't/wasn't/won't ever (be) "said "thinking existence"" and "said doppelganger" isn't/wasn't/won't ever (be) a part of "said "thinking existence"". Whenever any "thinking existence" physically biologically dies, while "said "thinking existence"" is dead, only """said "thinking existence"" can always ""apply pressure to"/touch any consistency that is like themselves" and ""said doppelganger" can always ""apply pressure to"/touch any consistency that is like themselves"" as though ""said "thinking existence"" and "said doppelganger"" are physical. Whenever any "thinking existence" physically biologically dies, while "said "thinking existence"" is dead, ""said "thinking existence"" and "said doppelganger"" aren't ever able to undergo anything similar to the physical sensation of pain. All other than ""said "thinking existence"" and "said doppelganger"" are never able to detect/perceive/observe neither "said "thinking existence"", "said doppelganger", nor any of "said "thinking existence's"/"doppelganger's" communication (attempts)". Whenever any "thinking existence" physically biologically dies, as soon as "said "thinking existence"" exists as "said ""thinking existence's" spirit/soul form"", the visible appearance of "said ""thinking existence's" spirit/soul form's form"" is identical to the visible appearance of "said ""thinking existence's" form"" during the most recent moment that "said "thinking existence"" most recently was physical form 1 right before the most recent moment that "said "thinking existence"" is dead but the visible appearance of ""said ""thinking existence's" form"" and "said ""thinking existence's" attire""" are always uninjured, always not damaged, and always not missing any of "all of the parts that were ever previously a part of "said ""thinking existence's" form""/"said ""thinking existence's" attire"" from during the most recent moment that "said "thinking existence"" donned attire while "said "thinking existence"" most recently was physical form 1 before the most recent moment that "said "thinking existence"" is dead". "Said doppelganger" is never any of the evil twins from "Eric's After-death System". "Said doppelganger" is never an evil twin. "The only "ways that the visible appearance of ""said ""thinking existence's" form"" and the visible appearance of "said "doppelganger's form""" are always different" are that all of the visible colors of the entire visible form of "said doppelganger" are always the "inverted visible version of all of the visible colors" of "said ""thinking existence's" entire visible form""" except that "said doppelganger's" "identicalness to "said "thinking existence""" is not ""identical regarding ""said doppelganger's" name"/voice/equipment/attire/apparel/familiarity/preferences/style/memory/memories/movements/potential/stamina/level/power/energy/intentions/aggression/competitiveness/determination/commitment/dedication/feelings/thinking/emotions/behavior/personality"""". ""Said doppelganger" never does "anything that is for the intention/sake of mimicry/mirroring"" "nor does "said doppelganger's" identicalness/"almost identicalness" ever entail mimicry/mirroring". The only time that "said doppelganger" is/was/"will be" ever detected by any existence is while "said "thinking existence"" is dead and "said doppelganger" can only be detected by "said "thinking existence"". "Said doppelganger" knows only each one of every ""communication between ""said doppelganger" and "said "thinking existence"""" and each one of every observable "thing, existence, occurrence, happening, language, and communication method" that is simultaneously both "non-mental and physical"" that ever occured/occurs/happened/happens in Eric's entire universe except that """said doppelganger" never is/was/"will be" able to observe any physical biological neural/neuronal network" other than "said doppelganger's" own physical biological neural/neuronal network and ""said doppelganger" never is/was/"will be" able to know any details about any physical biological neural/neuronal network other than ""said doppelganger's" own physical biological neural/neuronal network and what was common knowledge about any physicall biological neural/neuronal network during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation""". "Said doppelganger's" thinking/thoughts/interpretations/"interactions via one's communicating information"/"interactions via whenever one communicates information" function/operate/work all of the same ways as "a medically normal/healthy/stable human during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation". Without "knowing and/or "having access to" anyone's/anything's thinking/thoughts/imaginings/mental that "is or are" other than "said doppelganger's" own thoughts/thinking/imaginings/mental, "said doppelganger" is very savvy when it comes to the entirety of each of the non-physical aspects of psychology. "Said doppelganger" can use "what "said doppelganger" knows" in order to interact. "Said doppelganger" is able to "converse about"/"share information"/"help "said "thinking existence"" figure things out" only "pertaining to"/"based on" """Eric's After-death System's" options" and "what was ever observable about only "said "thinking existence"""". Said "thinking existence"" and "said doppelganger" both ""are able to see" and "have non-mental abilities that imitate sound and hearing that only each other are able to interact via"" while "said "thinking existence"" is in spirit/soul form. "Said "thinking existence"" and "said doppelganger" are always able to detect/perceive/observe/"communicate to"/"speak words to"/see/"tell things to" ""only each other"" while "said "thinking existence"" is in spirit/soul form". "Said doppelganger" is able to initiate/"respond via" "verbal interaction" any time but "said doppelganger" never communicatively violates any "thinking existence's" privacy. "Regarding all "observable communication that contain any form of any whole word" that is ever """observably done by "said "dead "thinking existence""" to "said doppelganger"" and "observably done by "said doppelganger" to "said "dead "thinking existence""""", via any observable communication attempts that contain any form of any whole word"", "said "observable communication attempts""
are immediately magically automatically translated/conveyed whereby "each one of any whole word observably expressed by each one of "those observable communication attempts" is "immediately magically automatically translated "into the language that "any "thinking existence" who/that observably obviously intentionally performed any of "those observable communication attempts"" had used to perform "those observable physical communication attempts"" and "said translation" is magically automatically immediately conveyed: 1: in chronological order, 2: in a form that can always be detected by ""said "dead "thinking existence""" and "said doppelganger""", 3: to ""said "dead "thinking existence""" and "said doppelganger""", 4: in the same form/language as any form/language of "said "performed observable communication attempts"" that any "thinking existence" observably tried to perform in response to any "said "observable communication attempts"" that were observably intentionally directed towards "said "thinking existence"" if "said "thinking existence"" ever observably performed any observable communication attempts in return within 4 minutes before the ongoing current time to the ongoing current time but if "said "thinking existence"" never observably performed any observable communication attempts in return within 4 minutes before the ongoing current time to the ongoing current time, then "said "magical conveyance"" is in the same form/language as any "physical form"/language of "said "observably performed observable communication attempt(s)"" that the performer(s) tried to observably "perform towards "said "thinking existence"" within 4 minutes before the ongoing current time to the ongoing current time" to ""said "thinking existence"" who/that never observably performed any observable communication attempts in return within 4 minutes before the ongoing current time to the ongoing current time". While "said "dead "thinking existence""" is dead, there are requirements that, if "said "thinking existence"" has fulfilled all of "said requirements", enable "said "thinking existence"" to have options while "said "thinking existence"" is dead. Said options are ""Eric's After-death System's" options". Depending on which "said requirements" have been fulfilled, particular things "will or won't" immediately get magically chosen for "said "thinking existence"" to undergo at the moment that is 4 milliseconds right after the most recent moment that "said "thinking existence"" most recently died, and "said "thinking existence"" has 30 minutes to choose from a couple of options but Option 2 (from the aforementioned options that are available if ""said "thinking existence's"" good" outweighed ""said "thinking existence's"" bad") is what "said "thinking existence"" undergoes if "said "thinking existence" didn't choose an option within those 30 minutes. In order for any "thinking existence" to choose any of the "said options", "said "thinking existence"" has to convey what ""said ""thinking existence's" ""definite decision is" regarding which option "said "thinking existence"" chose"" to "said doppelganger" via ""said "thinking existence"" communicating "said "definite decision"" in "said ""thinking existence's" communication with "said doppelganger" within "said 30 minutes""". Upon "said "communication of "said ""thinking existence's" definite decision"", both """"said ""thinking existence's" choosing the option that "said "thinking existence"" chose"" via "said communication of "said ""thinking existence's" final decision" is the option that "said "thinking existence"" chose" and ""said ""thinking existence's" undergoing what "said option" entails"" ""is "what "said "thinking existence"" undergoes"". Said doppelganger never-endingly ongoingly nonstop accompanies "said "thinking existence"" "while and whenever" "said "thinking existence"" is dead. "While and whenever" "said "thinking existence"" is dead, "said doppelganger" always teleports/enters/"gets automatically teleported" to "any location that is "half the length of "said ""thinking existence's" form's form's full reach away from "said ""thinking existence's" form's form""""" away from "said ""thinking existence's" form's form"""" whenever "said "thinking existence"" arrives somewhere via teleportation. Whenever any "thinking existence" physically biologically dies, as soon as "said "thinking existence"" exists as "said ""thinking existence's" spirit/soul form"", the location that "said "thinking existence"" is located is 7ft away from the smallest portion of the space in Eric's universe that the most recent physical part of the physical form that "said "thinking existence"" most recently physically existed as, that "said "thinking existence"" would've been dead without, and also that "said "physical part of "said "physical form"""" most recently occupied. "While and whenever" "said "thinking existence"" exists as "said ""thinking existence's" spirit/soul form"", "said "thinking existence"" is always able to move/will "said ""thinking existence's" form's form"" identically only to "as though "said ""thinking existence's" form's form"" is in the "vacuum of outer space" and "said "thinking existence"" is only able to move/will ""said "thinking existence's"" own form's form"" as though: 1: "said "thinking existence"" is only existing physically/biologically in the "vacuum of outer space", 2: "said "thinking existence"" is having all requirements fulfilled to remain healthy despite the lack of ""what is required" for "said "thinking existence"" to be healthy", and 3: "said "thinking existence"" isn't near any atmospheres/""anything physical" other than "said "thinking existence"""." "Option 2 is not what "said "thinking existence"" undergoes" whenever "said "thinking existence's"" most recent death was while "said "thinking existence"" was pregnant." ""instead of "all who/that conflicts with this paragraph"" but only when it comes to "what is described/explained/conveyed in this paragraph"".005: Whenever "said "thinking existence's" form is spirit/soul form, "said doppelganger" is automatically teleported from ""said doppelganger's" being only Physical Form 4" and "said doppelganger" automatically becomes only spirit/soul form until "said "thinking existence"" is not spirit/soul form. Whenever "said "thinking existence's" form is not spirit/soul form, "said doppelganger" is only Physical Form 4 and "Physical Form 4 has plenty of already-there "Physical Form 4 planets, "magical portals that connect various Physical Form 4 locations", "variety of non-thinking life that is able to "grow and/or etc"", ""tv entertainment" that showcases fictional entities/places/events/etc", video games, and all that is required to enable/"be able to do" creative "arts and writing""". Regarding each individual's doppelganger, excluding while ""said doppelganger's" form" is "spirit/soul form", "said doppelganger" is "alive and "Physical Form 4"", at a Physical Form 4 location, and is able to "find and/or "interact with"" other "said doppelgangers" while those "other "said doppelgangers"" do not have their forms as being spirit/soul forms. Physical form 4 automatically teleports any doppelganger to a safe location whenever said doppelganger is in danger. Per Physical Form 4 doppelganger, the doppelganger automatically comfortably respawns and "replaces "what is left of "said doppelganger""" whenever "said doppelganger" ""physically biologically dies" and/or "all of "said doppelganger's" own physical form's "biological sustenance processes" are inactive"".

Omnibyte Simulation-multiverse Deal
Ciencia FicciónEric is given the opportunity to modify/create a simulation-world for himself and others to experience. "He can add magic, rules, and other things to his new simulation-world and he can also change the laws of nature, physics, reality and anything e...