0011 : (SKIP TO CHAPTER 0013 INSTEAD) - Worldbuilding Part 5

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0011 : (SKIP TO CHAPTER 0013 INSTEAD) - Worldbuilding Part 5

This "Eric's section of information" describes/explains that: Eric made immortality ""impossible for "all conscious "living things" who "originate in "Eric's universe"""" and "impossible for "anyone who """chooses to ""start/enter the simulation"" in "Eric's universe""" "when the VRC """also offers" the option" to "create "their "own world/universe""""""""". Eric also made invincibility ""impossible for "all "conscious "living things""" who "originate in "Eric's universe""" and also "impossible for "anyone who """chooses to """start/enter the simulation"" in "Eric's universe""" when the VRC """also offers" the option" to "create "their "own world/universe""""""""".

This "Eric's section of information" describes/explains that: Eric made it so, that "when anyone enters "someone/something else's "simulated world/universe""", he/she/it "still has" the same "abilities and attributes" (such as "full "mental privacy"", "video-game-inspired screens" to check "stats/etc that "only the user can see"", and/or etc.) that he/she/it had "before entering "said world/universe"", but ""all of the "abilities and attributes" that "aren't compatible" with "Eric's "universe's" laws/rules"" are "automatically removed" from him/her/it" for the "entire duration" of "whenever he/she/it is in "Eric's universe"".

This "Eric's section of information" describes/explains that: Each one of all "zooplankton and mites" that is in Eric's created simulated universe, if they aren't/weren't already "being conscious"/"able to "remain conscious"/"become/remain/"transition into being" unconscious"/"transition into not being unconscious""" during the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation, Each one of all of said "zooplankton and mites" is, "Via way of Eric's #1 way of As Is Manner of Aftermath", "being conscious"/"able to "remain conscious"/"become/remain/"transition into being" unconscious"/"transition into not being unconscious""", but "how "all of how each one of all said "zooplankton and mites" is ever "conscious/"able to "remain conscious"/"become/remain/"transition into being" unconscious"/"transition into not being unconscious""" is magically/never-endingly/ongoingly/nonstop the same as whatever "all of the norm of "all of how "a hunan ever was "conscious/"able to "remain conscious"/"become/remain/"transition into being" unconscious"/"transition into not being unconscious""". Each one of all of said "zooplankton and mites" that is in Eric's created simulation universe, is able to voluntarily fall asleep whenever they choose to do so, isn't able to rest unless asleep, is able to voluntarily stay awake until whenever they choose to fall asleep, "automatically transitions from asleep to awake" upon the completion of every 120 minutes of being asleep, and has eyes that can't be easily damaged. Each one of all of the eyes of each one of all of said "zooplankton and mites" that is in Eric's created simulation universe always is less than 5% of the size of said zooplankton's/mite's own body and each one of all of said "zooplankton and mites" is able to extremely easily use its own eyes to observe up to at least 20ft from its own eyes outwards towards its surroundings that its eyes are focused on whenever it/they is/are in any location. Each one of all of said "zooplankton and mites" is able to, in any surroundings that they are ever in, in any of those surroundings conditions, "adjust and focus" all of their eyes (only if still able to do so depending on if damage was/is ever sustained that would prevent its being able to do so) to clearly see with 20/20 vision during "day and night". If any of each one of all of said "zooplankton and mites" wasn't already "having already perceived/observed something" during the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation, they perceived/observed whatever their eyes enabled them to see during the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulation character/avatar in Eric's Universe in this simulation.

0100: This "Eric's Section of Information" describes/explains/conveys that: Regarding all in/of/at "Eric's universe": starting from this moment:

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