chapter 8

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       Bella pov

There was a shield around it and I turned my head and looked at my brother and he just nodded his head at me.

I smiled at him! "What's wrong baby?" Edward whispered in my ear and I turned so my mouth was against his neck and mouth there's a shield around the cabin.

He pulled away and locked eyes with me and I nodded my head and told him my eyes my brother and with my finger only to where he was and Edward turned his head and looked.

"Sneaky bastard!" I giggled. "Hey, Punch are we going to party or what?" I narrowed my eyes at Edward and pushed him out of the way and looked straight face at the bitch and nodded my head and grabbed two beers and handed her one.

I ran over to my truck and I was looking at my brother out of the corner of my eye waiting for the next song.

Dancin in the country he signed really fast and I laughed really fast and hurried and turned it on jumped out of and made Jessica stand beside and I started moving to the music.

I was having too much fun with this song. She was fucking up! But I still kept going perfectly to it!

"You're wife is really good at two stepping and dancing other music!" The other guy told Edward.

"Yepped!" I started laughing! Edward was speechless again. My brother signed pick me up!

So I ran for the truck and turned it on and started dancing to it.

I was even smiling dancing and acting out the song. I looked at my brother and he signed to me.

Out of my truck so I did it! I was having fun why not!

I even acted out the stick shift. My brother even laughed on that part.

American sweetheart again he signed laughing that I was more drunk.

I started laughing really hard now and I jumped into the truck and started the song and started dancing from the doorway of the truck standing up.

I pointed to Jessica and pointed up! "Ma'am that means keep up with her." I  bent over backwards and restarted the music and used gravity to bring me back up as I started to move to the music again and jumped out of the truck.

I saw my brother out of the corner of my eye actin up sis and you know it!

I put a shitty ass grin on my face as I jumped into the truck and bent over on purpose this time.

I was even drinking looking for that cd again and I smirked I felt Edward hands on my legs and I looked behind me.

Can I help you! I asked him with my eyes and took a drink of my beer and his face fell against my leg laughing.

"You're killing me here woman!" I started laughing and I pushed him back with my foot as I pushed the cd in and pressed the number and twisted my body to gravity as I moved to the music.

I even had my beer drinking it as I moved to the music and I was really into the music dancing against and around Edward and he just followed me with his eyes and his head.

My brother spelled out toxic! I stepped away and I leaned over twisting and flexing down as I reached down and picked up the bottle of jacks and started drinking as I brought myself back up slowly.

Then I started walking up to the truck and signed to Edward one hand tell her to watch this and I will show her how to have a good time the right way!

I stopped and looked over my shoulder to Edward and narrowed my eyes at him and then I tilted my head towards to the bitch and then I took drink 1/4 of the bottle in one drink and I walked to the truck and spelled out no to my brother.

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