Chapter 18 - Hopeless, but Hopeful

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"Come on, pick up." Groaned Protector impatiently.

It had almost been half an hour since Adam and Jester had responded to his message he sent out and sent a message about their failure with Code. Yet, they hadn't showed up at the coordinates he sent out. 

"I'm guessing nothing from them." Zachary asked as Protector rejoined the group of him, Niamh, Hannah, Kaedan and Cameryn.

"No, they've haven't showed up, nor have they even responded. Every second that passes makes me fear the worst has happened to them."

"And Riley?" Hannah asked.

"Still nothing from at all. No messages, no input on his location, no nothing. I don't even if he survived."

"Why's should we even care if he's still alive." Cameryn said. "He's better dead than everyone being at risk of a genocidal outburst."

"You're still against him," Kaedan snapped back. "Despite it all, he's still our friend. We know him well and he even regrets it."

"Easy for you to say," Niamh joined. "You've only see his murderous burst twice, both briefly. But I've seen it three times, and all times he seemed to know what he was doing."

As the argument went on, Protector began to zone out as a feeling emerged about something being wrong. He got up in a sudden from his seat, frantically looking around, and when he saw it, it was too late. Protector went flying by a blast of glitch, slamming him into a boulder and knocking him unconscious, finally alerting everyone else of what was occurring.

"Protector!" Yelled Zachary, running to him to assist, before black tentacles emerged from the ground to retrain him.

"Found you," Evil laughed, appearing behind him. "I'm afraid you can't help your friend here, while we're around."

Before Niamh had a chance to catch Evil off guard, Wilson's boulder golem unleashed a blow that launched through a portal opened by Enigma, into the dungeons of Origin Prime. 

"Wilson?!?" Cameryn said, noticing him. "You're helping Evil."

"Of course I am, it'll put you guys in your place." Wilson responded. 

"You realise when this is over, you will be severely punished." Kaedan informed him."

"Like you guys are gonna win. Glitch, the stage is set for you."

At once, Hannah, Kaedan and Cameryn flew up into the air, held still by Glitch's telekinesis. Evil used his remaining tentacles to lift up the still unconscious Protector and carry him and Zachary, who was relentlessly trying break free of his grip, to the portal.

"You guys should be luck we aren't killing you now." Evil told Zachary. "I don't want you to the miss the show."

Glitch and Evil both flung their prisoners through the portal, closing it before any of their prisoners had a chance of thinking about escaping. The cells were all made of damp, cold obsidian blocks and bars of metal that even without testing, were unbreakable. Every cell was all in use, with counterparts to them who tried to resist Evil locked up.

"Ow, where the hell are we?" Protector asked, waking up. "What happened while I was out."

"We got jumped by Evil. And now we're in this dungeon in his world I'm guessing." Hannah informed him. "We didn't get a chance-"

In the cell across from them, a purple metal octopus was violently shaking the bars of the cell, constantly yelling "Let me the hell outta here, I've done nothing wrong!", cutting Hannah off. One glance at the octopus and the other person in the cell, and Protector knew who they were.

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