Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Rahul was stunned by Jiya's slap. But today, his emotions were beyond control. He did not stop, even after being slapped, and again took Jiya in his arms.

"I won't let you go so easily today. I am not an idiot; I can understand the language of your eyes. Why does your body shiver every time I come near you? Your words don't match with what your body says. Your mind tells you to go away from me, but your body yearns for my touch."

She was trying hard to push him back but couldn't. The gap between Rahul and her lips was shrinking. He was kissing her with so much passion that she couldn't resist. The sound of her refusal was slowing down. Instead of distancing herself from him, she also started flowing into this storm of love. The fire was evenly spread on both sides, which made it difficult to extinguish.

When Abha came to the house, she first called Jiya, and the bell kept ringing. The phone was in the room, but where was Jiya?

Abha smiled and walked towards Rahul's room. She tried to open the door, but it was locked from inside.

"Rahul, open the door; I'm Abha."

On hearing the noise, both of them came to their senses.

Rahul asked her, "You quickly go to the bathroom and hide." After a few seconds, he opened the door.

"Why did it take so long to open the door?"

"I was sleeping, not feeling well."

"Do you still have a fever?? I told Jiya to give you medicine; didn't she give it to you?"

"I'm feeling better only because of the medicine she gave me."

"Where's Jiya? I called her, but she didn't pick up."

"How do I know? I was sleeping."

"She wasn't even in the room."

"Aunt, I have a pain in my head. Are you done with your questions? I want to go to sleep now."

Even after Rahul's concealment, the fingerprints on his cheek were testimony to the arrival of the storm. She knew that even if Jiya wanted, she would not be able to face this storm named Rahul.

In Vikrant's absence, there was only one option to fill his void, and that was Rahul. When there is a strong thirst, one has to go near the well to quench it.

The medicine was working. Jiya's restlessness and her craving for sex was increasing. Well, there was nothing to be afraid of. There was no need to wander far to quench thirst; the well was present in the house itself.

As soon as Abha left, Rahul heaved a sigh of relief and quickly opened the bathroom door.
He wanted to talk to Jiya, but she went to her room without looking at him, crying.

She was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, rubbing and washing her face and lips, as if trying to erase the marks on Rahul's lips. What had happened could not be undone. But now she wants to stop herself from getting into more trouble.

She was feeling terrible. She didn't know how she would face Vikrant when she couldn't face herself. For the first time in her life today, she was totally drenched in shame. She didn't have an answer for what happened between her and Rahul. She couldn't stop him, or herself. Today, she has committed the sin of infidelity with her own love.

When she picked up the phone, there was a missed call from Abha and a message full of love from Vikrant. She was talking to herself.

"I didn't do it deliberately. I don't know how it happened. Please forgive me Vikrant."

She didn't know when she had fallen asleep.
When Abha came to call her for dinner, she woke up.

"What happened? Are you okay? Do you have a fever like Rahul?"

"No, a bit of a headache. Send me some soup in the room."

"Okay, I'll send it right away."

Neither Rahul nor Jiya were present at the dinner table today. Anu and Mayank had dinner with Abha and went to their room.
They wanted to go to meet her, but Abha stopped them by saying that Jiah had fallen asleep while she was awake.
A few moments later, Vikrant's phone rang. He was shocked to hear her voice.

"What happened to you? Are you well?"

"My health is going to be like this until you come home. Please come soon. I am missing you."

She started crying after saying this.

"Ohh! Please don't cry like that. I miss you too, but I don't know what to do. Don't spoil your mood because of me. Go shopping in the morning. Move around as much as you want to move around; just don't cry like this. I'll try to come home as soon as possible."

After talking to Vikrant for some time, Jiya was trying to sleep but couldn't sleep.

"The fire begins to burn in her body with his single glance, not knowing what the touch of his callous hands will do.
See the extent of madness, even knowing that there is a bed of fire outside the threshold, yet the heart wants to feel the warmth of that fire closely. This fire will cause nothing but destruction, yet the heart wants to burn in that fire."

"Illicit desire will only bring sorrow into life, but the heart still wants to explore the hidden territory of love.
In this love, there is nothing but pain, and the heart is saying, "I'm not afraid of pain."

He was neither present in the room nor in the heart, yet he was making Jiya feel his presence right in the dream.
A sudden knock on the door jolted her out of her sleep, and she woke up.
There was a slight creaking sound.

"Jiya, please open the door."

Ignoring his voice, she put on her blanket and tried to go to sleep. A lot had already happened today; she didn't want more storms in her life.

No one in this world has the power to stop the storm. It doesn't need your consent to ruin your life. When it comes, it just comes and leaves behind a trail of destruction.

After a few seconds, he was inside the room and trying to lift her up by caressing her hair.

She got up and saw him sitting on the bed.

"How did you get in, Rahul? The door was locked from inside."

"Don't lie, the door was open."

She couldn't understand what was happening. She had locked the door from inside, so how could it remain open?
Soniya Jadhav

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