Make You Whole Again

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The leaves crunched loudly beneath his feet as he dashed into the woods, doing his best to stay hidden and no one spots him and call the authorities. He can't afford going to go to this era of prison. Not when his dear wife was waiting for him and needed treatment.

Creature quicken his pace at the thought of his wife who he married before she took her life, and since she has rose from her grave, he has since been catering to her. Wanting to be the best husband he can be to her and also as a way of repaying her for caring for him and also because he loves her.

He clutched the first aid kit tightly and finally slowed down once he reached his destination, relieved to see the small abandoned cottage hidden in the woods not far from him where Lisa was waiting for him.

"I'm home" he announced once he opened the bedroom door where his wife Lisa laid. Her body was covered in bandages like a mummy and she struggled to open her eyes. The moment she closed the lid of the tanning bed and requested to be burned alive, the fire melted her eyes into nothing but the cornea and her eyes being blood shot red that it hurt to try and open them, but it was her dying wish.

Lisa squirmed a bit as she struggled to sit up straight upon hearing her husband's voice. She remembers when she woke up after her death and the first thing she heard was his gentle voice and she remembers very clearly his first words to her were: "Lisa... I love you Lisa..."

It confused her at first, this couldn't be her beloved Creature but he proved her wrong when she felt the soft yarn stitched onto his wrist that let her know it was him and he was here to take care of her and love her.

"I got some ointment for your burns" Creature told her and she hummed in delight. "I'm going to need to replace your bandages anyway. Also... I got these for you..." he dug into his vest and pulled out a couple of red roses and handed them to her.

"Are these flowers?" Lisa asked, feeling the soft earthy stem of the flowers and smelling their sweet scent. "Thank you" she beamed. She wish she could see him. She loves his voice but she misses looking at him. He probably looks so different compared to her, after all he did manage to get a tongue and have the ability to speak so he must look more human now, meanwhile she looks dead.

"I miss you" Lisa blurted out, not meaning to say it aloud but it was too late. Creature raised a brow in confusion.

"I mean I miss looking at you. It's been awhile. How long has it been since I woke up?" She asked.

Creature thought for a while, wondering how his wife will react when he tells her how long they've been hiding. "About a week..." he told her.

"Hm, a lot shorter than I thought." Creature was surprised by how calm and blunt she was, though he really shouldn't be surprised considering her dark humor and the thought of death doesn't affect her, even now that she is dead, she is still herself.

"I will find you a new pair of eyes, my love" Creature kissed her temple, I will make you whole again, he thought.

"That's sweet. But make sure no one sees you, especially Taffy. She already knows what you look like so be careful," Lisa told him.

"I won't".


Creature ventured near the woods until he stumbled upon the cemetery where Lisa was buried and he wasn't surprised to see Taffy sitting near her grave though he was surprised to see her friends with her.

"Thank you so much for joining me girls, you don't know how difficult this is for me" Taffy said to her friends who gave her a pity look.

"It's not a problem, we understand you're going through tough times. First your mom then Micheal and now... Lisa" Lori replied but Creature could hear the obvious disgust in the girl's voice when she said Lisa's name.

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