shoulder to cry on

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It's been 4 months already when hoseok move in with yoongi.
"Good morning yoon. I have prepared breakfast. I have already eaten and gave food to Coco. I'm running late have to go bye" hoseok said and went to hospital.

Yoongi has been busy in completing his new book together with it he also writes about hoseok in diary journal.

Today is hoseok's birthday. So yoongi decide to give him suprise.

It's almost 10:00 pm and hoseok haven't message him nor call so yoongi got worried and decided to go to hospital.

Hoseok lied to jungkook that he has one more surgery so that he would leave him alone.

Hoseok was alone outside hospital sitting on bench listening to music. Suddenly rain started. Hoseok didn't move. He stayed there. Tears falling from his eyes he was thankful that no one was here and it's raining so no one could know that he is crying.

Yoongi reached hospital and rain started thankfully that he drove to hospital in car. He came out of car with umbrella and walk towards hoseok.

Yoongi saw condition of hoseok and was feeling sad. Eyes of man infront of him were filled with tears and he can see reflection of lights in water drops. Hoseok saw up and found yoongi who was staring at him with sadness fill in his eyes.

Hoseok stood up and went with yoongi to car. No one speak till they reach home. Both of them went inside house.

" You are not going to ask me what happened ?" Hoseok asked with curiosity.

"No. I just want you to feel happy. I don't want to make you more sad by asking questions" yoongi said
"But remember I'm always here for you. You can tell me whatever is in your mind. I will listen to it."

Hoseok Emotional less face staring yoongi.

"cry out hoseok you always have my shoulder to cry on. I'm not gonna see you. Cry out you will feel good. There is no use in hiding your tears they would tear up your mind" as soon as yoongi spoke hoseok hugged him tightly and cried.

Yoongi patted his back. They stayed in that position for whole 15 minutes. Hoseok loose his grip on yoongi and stand straight. Directly his eyes met Yoongi's eyes.

"Yoon thank you" hoseok said wiping his tears "I will tell you"

"I'm listening hobi"

Both of them sat on couch. Hoseok resting his head on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi could not see hoseok's face so it was little bit easy for hoseok to speak.

Hoseok told him what happened when he was 9

14 YEARS AGO flashback

Today is Lil hoseok's birthday. Today he will be 10 years old.

"Mom I want go to observatory. Today stars are visible clear. There is no cloud. Atmosphere is calm and fresh. Please today is my birthday. Please" Lil hoseok pleaded

"Don't you want to ride Ferris wheel? " His mom asked

"No mom I love stars" Lil hoseok pouted

"Okay baby Momma and papa will take you there. I think we should cut cake there" Mrs Jung said

"Yeah mom what a plan let's go!!" Lil hoseok said running around his mom

"Mom where is Ji-ho? [means wisdom and greatness.I'm don't know much Korean names so I searched it on Google.]

"He went with your dad to buy cake"

"Did you decide where to go?" Hoseok's dad came and ask

"Yes dad we are going to observatory" Lil hoseok said

"My hooope" Ji-ho hugged hoseok
Sorry, this chapter is short because I want to tell whole incident in one chapter.

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