4. On the Defence

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It had been a week since the Viper's football game. A week since I saw Deacon for the first time in over 5 years. A week since Deacon came back into my thoughts and occupied it day and night. I didn't know what I had expected to happen once I looked at that face, the face that was so familiar, yet so unknown.

I found myself zoning out during the most inopportune moments. While I was in the middle of teaching a class, while I was supposed to be having a conversation with Marcus- or anyone for that fact, and during the one time that was supposed to be free of any thoughts of him- my morning runs.

Here I was in fact, sitting with Marcus during lunch in the teacher's staff room- thinking about Deacon's dark black hair, and beautiful green eyes, the way he looked so confident, so in control and so, dare I say, sexy as hell during the football match. 

"Cooper? Cooper, did you hear a word I just said?"

Marcus interrupted my daydreaming- shit what did he just say?

I shook my head "No sorry. What was that?"

Marcus let out a huff, "I SAID.... I was talking to Mr. Phillips, the P.E teacher, and he was saying that Deacon Conway, Tate McQuillan and Coach Brian Dunaway are supposed to be coming in next Monday to talk to kids about footy and some motivational stuff."

 Great, exactly what I don't need. I groaned internally at myself. 

I had convinced myself that it was okay to let the butterflies and thoughts creep in because there was no way I was going to be seeing him in person ever again. The feelings would eventually fade like they had all those years before, though this time would be less painful because we had only said a few words to each other.

 It was just a fantasy land, something I knew would never happen. After all, the reason we broke up was because of football and the circumstances were the exact same now as it was back then. 

There was no future for us- especially romantically. 

Marcus was looking at me expectantly, waiting to see how or if I was going to respond this time.

I shrugged and pouted, trying to sound unfazed. "He is one of the only true success stories to come out of this school, so it will be an awesome opportunity for the kids."

"You're going to come listen to it as well, right? I mean you guys were, quote, "best friends."

I began shaking my head, responding a little too defensively, "Okay, first, the key word there is 'were', I haven't seen the guy in over 5 years and secondly, I have to look at some drafts for the kid's assignment in my English class. I have to have them handed back by Tuesday morning. So, no, I will not be there."

Marcus sat up straight, in attack mode, "Why are you getting so defensive? You haven't been listening to a single word I have said to you this whole time and now you are going to sit there and give me, what... attitude?"

Not wanting to continue on with this conversation, I told Marcus I had something to do before the break was over, stood up from my seat and walked out of the staff room. Throwing my rubbish away in the bin as I walked past it.

I needed to get some fresh air.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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