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Nines circled the nest worriedly, a small whine rumbling in his throat as his delicate fins caressed Gavin's rough hide. He hadn't stirred once since their arrival two days ago. It was his first mating season, so he had no idea how typical this was for shark-mer. Perhaps long periods of sleep were normal during gestation, but what if they weren't? What if it was because they'd bred across species? What if it was the fact they were too close to the river and Gavin's gills couldn't handle the change? The currents were softer in this area, and the water was less salty. It wasn't ideal for Gavin, but it was the safest place for their future younglings.

There was a high chance that a few of them might be freshwater-mer. Those offspring would die if they were born too far from the river. The salt would get inside their gills and clog them up, slowly suffocating them from the inside. With saltwater-mer, fresh water would keep flowing into their bodies, making them swell until they drowned. Nines and his brothers had experienced the early onset of this, feeling sluggish and bloated all the time until they almost passed out. Luckily, their mother had recognised the signs and taken them out to the ocean. Survival might have been easier with their father, but he was a free roamer, never staying anywhere longer than it took to plant his seed. It was the way of his breed, but their mother loved him all the same.

Mixing breeds could bring about various problems and changes in the birthing process and in the offspring themselves. Since he was the donor, Nines knew his DNA would be prevalent. They would be koi-mer, but there was no telling if that meant fresh or saltwater. He carried the potential for both. Next year, when Gavin was the donor, things would be much more straightforward. There was no chance of Gavin producing fresh water offspring because his heritage was consistently reef shark. He and his brother were the first to deviate from the usual pattern. It seemed they shared a taste for softer scales and colours.

"Dear One..." Nines tried shaking Gavin's shoulder for what seemed like the hundredth time, but he remained curled in the reed-filled sand pit in their spacious den. The little nook was temporary, of course, but Nines had worked hard to make it safe and comfortable. He'd dug a large pit, big enough for both of them to curl up with their future brood. The opening of the quiet cave was big enough for them to swim through together, so Nines had planted some delicate reeds across the entrance and hung vines to hide the opening from view. Those homely touches had continued inside with various pretty plants in place to filter the water and keep their home clean, along with various little fish and shrimps that cleaned the walls and seabed. There were pretty shells he'd gathered to add colour and show his devotion, all of them buffed and shiny where they lined the walls. He'd been excited for Gavin to wake up and see it, but now he was just horribly worried.

He circled the nest again and swooped down to glide along Gavin's back, coiling their tails and wrapping an arm around his waist. Propping himself on one arm, he gazed down at his pale, sleeping face. The lack of nutrition was showing where his body was using every ounce of energy to provide for their brood. Without fresh intake, he wouldn't survive the birthing process. Nines whined in distress, nuzzling his neck and ear and feeling along his gills. Those on his side were moving slowly, clearly laboured with the lack of movement. Swimming helped Gavin's gills to move, so the lack of activity wasn't good for him. The lack of energy also meant he had less strength to open and close his gills. They moved slowly, almost quivering with each feeble pulse.

Nines' throat ached as he held back, trying not to panic as he realised he had no idea what to do. This was his first mating season. He'd never experienced childbirth in either manner. His instincts hadn't prepared him for this. They were too far from the reef to call Elijah and Chloe for help, though he wasn't sure they'd know what to do either. They'd only recently mated, and would be entering their first season as well. With no other option, Nines let out a pitiful cry for help. It wouldn't carry to the reef, but it might reach the river. Although his own brethren wouldn't be able to linger more than an hour in the salty water, they might have some advice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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