Welcoming party

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We each take turn with showing our dresses;

I went first. I go into the bathroom and change into my dress and heels. When I walk out Pansy screams. "What?!" I say confused. "YOU'RE STUNNING." she says excitedly, this girl.. "You bloody scared me." I roll my eyes.

Bella's dress;

Pansy's dress:

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Pansy's dress:

Beatrice's dress:

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Beatrice's dress:

Beatrice's dress:

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Venessa's dress:

We all compliment eachother and do our hairs

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We all compliment eachother and do our hairs. When we're done we go to the party.

As we arrive at the party I immediately spot Mattheo drinking, he is that person that is throwing up at the toilet mid party. I walk up to him. "Heyyyy sissss." Ofcourse hes already drunk. "How many drinks have you had?" I ask calmly. "Uhhhh, One...?" I roll my eyes and take his cup. "Enough drinks matt." He grabs my wrist in which im holding the cup. "Dont. I dont want you ruining this evening for me." He hesitates but releases my wrist.

I drink the cup in 1 throw and throw it away. "Come on lets find blaise." We walk around and find blaise with Draco, Theodore and Lorenzo.  They all look at us as we're approaching. "hey." I say to blaise. "Hey, looking good girls." We smile. "Lets play a game." A familiar voice speaks, Theodore. "Sure!" Tris says, we all sit down in a circle, Me and Pansy sit on the couch next to Blaise. Tris on a chair, Draco on the other. Theodore, Lorenzo and Venessa on the ground.

"What game should we play?" I ask. "Truth or Dare?" Pansy suggests, I hate that game, But since everyone agreed.. "sure." I say not long after.
"Ill go first." Venessa says. "Hmm, Bella. Truth or dare?" Ofcourse she chooses me first.. "Truth." I say. "The safe option hm?" Pansy nudges me, I nudge her back and laugh. I take a small shot of veritaserum, and wait for Vanessa to ask the question. "Who do you find most attractive in this room?" Without hesitation I speak. "Theodore, I mean he can be a jerk but hes.. Attractive." I put my hand on my mouth before I say anything else. I take a shot of antiserum. "Can we forget that I said that?" They all laugh and Theodore guves me "those eyes" I think I just filled his ego once more.
"Okay, now-" I stop talking as Mattheo walks in, and drops down in an open spot in the circle. "What are we playing?" He says, sounding weirdly sober. "Sober yet?"  I ask. "I threw up about.. 3 times? I think im sober enough." He says as he rubs his eyes. I just ignore it and continue talking. "So.. Tris. Truth or dare." I ask. "Dare." She responds, crossing her legs. "I dare you, to sit on the persons lap you find most attractive." She hesitates, but stands up and looks at me. She mouths something to me, Sorry. She walks over to Mattheo and sits on his lap.

I stand up clenching my fists and glare at her as I walk away. Surprisingly Pansy just stayed there, which annoyed me even more. How dould she do this to me?! I am on my way to my dorm as I bump into someone, he asks me to dance. I think about it for a second or two, then I decide to accept. I should have some fun atleast, right?

I dance my heart out with that boy and just then someone bumps into me. I look up to the persons face, Theodore. "The hell do you want?" I say annoyed, he ruined my fun. "Grabbing you back to the geoup, come on." He says. What was this man talking about? "No way in hell." He grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the crowd. "Let go of me!" As we are now back at the group he lets go. "Bloody retard." I mumble as I shake my wrist.

Theodore just glares at me and sits down where he sat before. Beatrice is still on Mattheo's lap, I already feel my blood boiling up again. I sit down where I sat before and join in, trying my best to ignore Tris and Matt. "So are we still doing truth or dare or what?" Venessa asks. "Lets do Never Have I Ever." I suggest.

Theres a whole tray of shots in front of us, I grab one and put it in front of me. So do the others. "Never Have I ever.. Kissed a boy." Pansy says. All the girls drink and surprisingly Lorenzo drinks aswell. We all laugh at him. "What?? It was 1 time. 1." He says embarrassed. "My turn, Never Have I ever.. Dated my bestfriends sibling." I put a new shot in front of Beatrice. "Come on now dont be shy, drink."

She looks at me and I can see tears forming in her eyes, all I feel is anger. "Its just a game Beatrice, just drink the shot." Draco says. I look at her as she takes the shot. "See? That wasnt so hard." I say sarcastically. She looks so miserable she basically swallows her tears, but at this moment I dont feel anything but anger.

"Never Have I Ever.. Liked Bella." Tris says. Everyone drinks, well good to know they all like me. I think to myself. "Why didn't you drink Bella?" Pansy asks. I realise I didnt drink and they probably think im an insecure girl now. "Oh- right, I forgot." In my head I hesitated but I drunk the cup.

As the night goes on, we danced, drank, laughed and talked. I was standing on the commonroom table and was dancing. If you would even glance at me you'd know I was drunk like hell. As I was dancing my foot slipped and I nearly fell off the table, but I kept dancing like it was nothing. "Watch out principessa." A familiar voice speaks behind me, it was Theodore.

"Im always careful!" I say, though we all know im never carefull. I keep dancing and this time I actually slip and fall of off the table. Luckily for me Theodore caught me before my head could hit the ground. "Well thank you signore." I say in a sleepy/drunk voice. You could smell the alcohol scent on me from a mile away.

Suddenly he picks me up in bridal style, I put my arms around his neck. "What are you doing?" I ask, too drunk to actually care. "Taking you to your dorm. You need to get sober." He says, weirdly showing no emotion. I gaze at his eyes and after a few seconds of silence I say "Your eyes are gorgeous, they are.. rare, Seductive." He looks down at me with a small smirk.

"Come on we're here." He opens the door and lays me on my bed. "Theo?" I say with a baby-ish voice. "sì?" He says. "Can you stay with me for the night?" I ask. He smiles and speaks. "Sure, why not." and so he spends the night with me.

- 1175 words

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