Dream 2

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Since days ago the sky is still covered with dark clouds. Heavy rain falls from morning until evening. Fortunately, there are no floods in this area.

I close my eyes, feeling the rain pour into my body. It is cold... but I am glad because I still can feel this coldness.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

I hear someone run towards me and then I look at that person who hurriedly covers me with an umbrella.

I smile. "I just want to feel the coldness, brother."

He is my brother, Arsan. The handsome man who always makes girls excited when look at his smile. He is bright and charming. He is a lovely man, a perfect brother.

Arsan pulls my hand and drags me towards the terrace. He seems worried, so much, more than before.

"So, what's in your mind now? Feeling numb again?" He asks when I look at the sky.

"No, it is cold, I can feel it."

"Should you test like that? Isn't enough to feel with your hand without making your whole body wet?"

Giggle. "I need my whole body to feel it, so I know this is not a dream."

He looks at me with a confused expression and then pulls me again towards the home. He grumbles and asks me to bathe with warm water and change clothes to dry ones.

I looked at my room and then walked towards the cabinet. After take a long sweater and black training pants, I silently go to the bathroom. Stand below the shower without releasing my wet clothes. Let my all hair and my body shower cold.

I close my eyes, feeling the cold and the pain in my heart. There is a scene that appears in my mind again. The scene when my father kissed a woman in the park. A beautiful woman who has pretty brown light eyes.

I open my eyes and look at my feet. I begin feeling not sure about my presence. Once again I denied it, maybe what I saw was someone else, maybe I was wrong. But, I do remember the watch that my father wore. That is a present I gave him on his birthday three years ago.

I close my eyes again. Something felt different. Maybe this is just a nightmare. Pfftt... but if this all was a dream, why do I feel the cold of water?

Everything seems complicated and I don't know how to react about all of those. I know my father cheating my mom since I was eight years old, ten years ago. In the street, I look at my father holding the hand of a beautiful woman.

My father talks to the woman in the way he talks with my mom. Even though I didn't know what is it love at that age, I knew it was something special like in the drama on television that my mom watched every night.

I don't know why at that time I didn't call my father. I was scared... in the drama I watched, if my family knew about this, everything would be broken.

At first time I was not sure about that, but as I grew, I knew he was cheating. I was wondering, my aunt lives in the same city where my father works. Did she know my father having an affair with another? Did my mom know too about that?

Even though he an having affairs with other women, he still caring my family so much. He buys Mommy, me, and my twin brother gifts and always asks me about my daily life after he works in another city for days.

"You here?"

I look at the person who says earlier. Oh, I am in the dream now? It seems I fell asleep after a bath.

"Hello, Prince."

He laughs and then sits beside me. "You sad again now?"

"A little bit..."

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