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“Yeah I know, right? And then I was like-“

A knock on the door.

“Ah shit that’s my little brother. I'll just check what he wants, ok Hyun?”

“Sure, I’ll just mute myself real quick…Oh and tell Felix I said hi!”

“Damn bro you're so whipped.” Minho snickers.

“Yeah yeah whatever, don’t keep the little sunshine waiting any longer”

“Yeah Lixie, what’s up?”

“Can I come inside?”
His voice quivering.


As soon as Felix steps in his room Minho freezes.
His little baby brother had tear stains all over his cheeks. His eyes bloodshot and glossy and his nose red, from all the obvious blowing.
He just stood there in the doorframe sniffing.

“What happened?”

Minho immediately rushes over to embrace his little brother in a tight but loving hug. As soon as Felix felt the warmth around him, he broke down, sobbing into the elders shirt.

How foolish of him to think he could just talk to Minho calmly about his bottled up feelings.
No. He could never hide his true emotions from his brother.
They were simply too close for that.
So Minho didn’t mind as his once white shirt slowly became see though from all the tears it absorbed. The little sunshine in his arms was sad and he would do absolutely anything to punish the one responsible.

“How are you feeling now? Better? “ Minho asked after some time, while slowly pulling his arms away and looking at the other.

“Yeah I think so…thank you”

“ No problem. You want to talk about it?”

“Actually that’s why I am here…Minho I need to tell you something very important. I thought about it a lot and… Can you first promise me you won’t be mad or disappointed?"

“How could I ever be mad at you, little one. Now spill, who do I need to kill?”

“No one! It’s just…I am so sorry Minho but…I like Hyunjin…romantically “



“I know, I know he’s your best friend and I surely don’t want to get in between you friendship or anything. I just really like him a lot, and I hope this doesn’t change anything . I just feel like I needed to finally tell you because it involves you as well and I really just don’t like to keep stuff from you. I completely understand if you’re uncomfortable with this or maybe need some time to think. Just please don’t tell him or be mad. And  if you look at it positively,  at least you know what my first crush, or maybe boyfriend is like and don’t need to threaten him or anything. You know Hyun. He could never hurt a fly and-“

“Hey Lix, it’s ok.”

“I am really sorry I know- …what?!”

“I said it’s ok. No need to ramble on like that. I understand.”

“But Min…he's your best friend. Don’t you think it’s weird that I like him?” He sniffles quietly.

“There’s nothing weird about liking someone, Lixie. You can’t control if you like a random boy at school or my best friend. So don’t apologize.”

Felix immediately wraps his arms back around Minho.
“Thank you so much.”

“No need to thank me, I didn’t do anything. And in the future if something like this is bothering you again just come directly to me, yeah? You can always talk to me.”

“As if. I was honestly so scared you’d punch Hyunni in the face because of what I just told you.”

“You really think I would something like that?”
He dramatically grasps the shirt over his heart.

Felix let’s out a little giggle and rolls his eyes.
“Of course not.”


“Yeah yeah. Anyways I need to go. I’m meeting up with Jisung in 15 minutes and just wanted to tell you before I leave.”
Felix slowly gets up and walks to the door. His eyes are still a little puffy, but not as bad. A stranger probably won’t even notice that he had been bawling his eyes out not even five minutes ago.

“OK. Have fun and be careful.” Minho smiles and gives a little wave.

“Will do. See you later Min!”


“Are you still there, Hyun?”

“I am...guess we’ll be brothers in law in the future” Hyunjins chuckle could be heard over the phone.

“I swear to God Hwang…”


If you liked this chapter, please leave a star and comment.
It helps me a lot to know if I should continue this and if you have any ideas for me, please tell me!

Have an amazing day or night!♡

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