१४|Ordinary days

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“Ordinary days.”


Taking a step forward in this new relationship with Aarush wasn't something she'd ever thought about. It was a difficult task even with all that insanely driving feelings she has had for him over so many years along with the efforts Aarush had been putting into their relationship in addition these days. She could clearly see it, he has been very obvious and steady with the advances.

Days passed away really fast and steady. With nothing better to do, Mihika busied herself with work from home. Given her health wasn't that better even though she claimed to be doing just fine. Aarush did not interfere with it on a condition for her to stay home for at least one more month.

They've been in a bittersweet phase off late. They'd stay in the same room but avoid exchanging words. They'd steal glances, hold hands and hug each other on some days, tactfully sit together to eat or drink tea in silence while sticking close and the comforter on their bed has been reduced to one as well which allowed them to steal little intimate warmth under the hood of cold darkness and the thick comforter.

The intimacy level hadn't gone past the checkpoint of sensuality. It was unbearable sometimes, the biting silence in their lives.

Meera crossed the eighth month down the calendar, thus letting a small tug of change enter their lives. She'd started crawling really fast and sometimes tried to walk around with support. Her teething phase was pretty tamed now, she rarely bit but when she did, it'd leave a mark for a few minutes or sometimes a few days for sure. It was really an experience on its own to watch a baby grow up.


Mihika subtly gave a nod and watched him enter the kitchen from the corner of her eyes. Although she'd not completely ignored the instructions of taking after the household chores, she still took over the kitchen occasionally. Winter was on its peak now, she felt her lips were too dry and licked on them unconsciously. She'd forgotten to apply the lip balm earlier. Aarush stood close, his elbow touching her hand that rested on the kitchen counter and they watched the tea boiling.

“Da da da da da da!” Meera’s chants were accompanied by her ticklish laughter. They turned around to find her speeding on her fours inside the kitchen with Aanchal on her tail behind, looking exhausted. Meera had grown too naughty lately, she'd scream and throw things in anger or just run around on her fours since it was much easier than running on her two feet.

“Masi, you go take a breather. I'll look after her.” Aarush quickly caught and picked her up, followed by her unapologetic giggles while looking at Aanchal who'd stood looking at her defeated. Aarush fixed the woolen cap on her head and the woolen pajama that'd scrunched up and rubbed her cold hands.

“Da da?”

“Hmm?” Aarush broke into a grin and kissed her fluffy red hued cheeks which were also too cold to his liking. Mihika gestured to him to follow behind carrying two cups of tea, a medium sized mug of hot chocolate and snacks on the tray before walking out of the kitchen.

They sat on the long ottoman that was bedded with a thick layer of warm blanket in the living room near the window. Meera sat in his lap, getting occasional sips of the hot-chocolate. The canaries were brought inside the house due to the harsh winters, now the cage was hanging on the window and they chirped endlessly all day.

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