ρяσℓσυgє ~ End

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Italic - 'Ich' Your thoughts (Commonly Used,Even if on third Person)
Italic with Underline - 'Liebe' Someone else's thought/s (Rarely Used)
Italic Bold -'Dich' when spell/magic is being/has been casted (Commonly Used for Y/N)



In the wide clearing in front of Ramshackle stood two silhouettes, Y/N's and Yuu's.

"Now, You're wondering why out here,Right?" A rethoric question left the Yokai's mouth,Yuu nodded.

He turned to him,"This place is not safe for you alone,So now as your deemed guardian."

Y/N paused,Closing his eyes and a bright emerged from his body,Turning into his Kitsune form which of course as always amazed Yuu.

"Let us Create a Pact"

Yuu looked at him confused,"A Pact...? What's..that??" Asked the confused teenager. He didn't know if this said pact would be beneficial or what the risks would be.

The Yokai thought for a moment,"A Pact, Is a bond between a Demon and a Human. A human must gain the trust of the said demon to create a Pact. Now you will ask,Why should the Demon have trust with the human first? Simply,Because when a Pact is made the Human in the said pact with the demon will have power over the demon,With deeper bonds strengthening the Humans control over the Demon and having the ability to also borrow the demons ability and use it at their will. Now for the demons side, Usually they would want something in return from the human,For instances would be their soul."

With the Buttload information,Yuu tried to take it all in," So in summary,When I make a Pact with you,I'll be able to control you..? But I'll also surrender my soul to you?"

Y/N shook his head, "No. In return,I want you to stay safe under a pact with me and yes you can 'control' me. Not entirely like a puppet but with a few commands,Like give you things, Teleport to you,Command me stay to stop and more that you can see in the future. So I'm just giving you my free will,Let you control my power to an extent."

Yuu nodded,Finally understanding what the older male infront of him was talking about. Something just for safety and the ability to control Fire? Sounds sick.

"But,You cannot abuse your power over me. Other lower demons may not be able to fight against a command once in a pact but demons with higher power like me has an ability to endure the pacts command." He reminded,Crossing his arms. Hopefully Yuu won't get carried away with this.

"Oh..okay,I get the gist of it now..."

Y/N smiled after he finally understood.

"Now,Let us commence this Pact"

A BRIGHT FLASH,Covered Yuu's view when he was looking at Y/N. For a few seconds he couldn't see so he closed his eyes,After that he felt something fluffy against his face. Confused on what was bothering him, Yuu opened his eyes to meet a rather MASSIVE version of Y/N..?

"Y/N-kun?" He hesitantly asked

The massive beast known as Y/N who took this form, nodded it's head. Infront of Yuu was a large Nine-Tailed Fox,It reminded him of Y/N's Hybrid form but more animal.

"Please do not be afraid. I know this looks excessive,But for my case this is necessary for me to take this form to make a pact so my power would fully link with you or else it wouldn't fully work out the way I intend it to do"

A massive paw reached out to Yuu, "Put your hand on my Paw" he commanded to which the black haired boy followed and placed their palm of the fox's paw.


Taking a deep breath,Y/N Pronounced the words.

"From now on,I Y/N L/N,The Fox of Trickery and Mischief,belongs to you"

A bright glow formed on Yuu's hand,A circle outlined with Red, Outlined by a Fox glowed on Yuu's neck and so did it to Y/N's behind his head.
Feeling the strange power surge through them,Yuu looked up at Y/N who stared back down at him.

"There,Now we're all good." He retracted his paws and turned back into his Hybrid form.

"Now,Just call out my name to summon me,As for the others I'll teach it to you,For now I think summoning me is enough. BUT don't summon me something not important or in class,Only privately or something dire." Y/N walked up to them and flicked their forehead,"got that,Kit?"

Yuu rubbed their forehead,"Yes Y/N-kun!" They nodded their head.

"Good,Now let's get your dinner cooked,You must be hungry."

Y/N started walking back to the house when Yuu called out to them,Running to his side, "Are you uhm...gonna stay in your Hybrid form?"

Dotted eye,The kitsune looked at him confused for a second before it finally rendered it all in. "Ahh..That. I'll have to stay in this form for a while so the transferring would be completed" he pat their head and they both entered the Ramshackle.

"You'll get used to it,Yuu. From now on you are safe under my paws."

𝒯𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹...


Now. I tried to finish this one sitting so bare with me and the short ahh chapter 😪. Heartslabyul arc will start soon after my Buttload of School work 😮‍💨... hopefully,I'll start inching on it tbh. But for now have these and the  revamped info.


Also ty for the comments,Give me Inspo to write lmao


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