chapter 11: arc 3

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Her school day was boring; it was different and full of rich kids—sure, that made it even more boring. The academy actually had very few students, despite being one of the biggest Artesiam ever saw.

The buildings, the structure, the interior and exterior design? They were all immaculate, as if she was studying at Hogwarts. No wonder the tuition fee for every semester was expensive as fuck, she thought, while roaming her eyes across the huge library ceiling. It was painted. She remembered seeing something similar on the internet when she was a child. It's realism, or something, with naked angels and old dudes over the clouds.

"Each room has at least ten students, seriously?!" she asked, a little exaggerated, alright, but she couldn't help her surprise when the size of the academy is this big, but the students are less than ten each room!

The blond guy she met that day--his name is Louge--placed a book back on the tall shelf, not sparing her a glance. "Tone your voice down. And yes, that's the most students this academy has, and it's in the lower level."

Artesiam roamed her eyes around her near the long tables and found a few pairs side-eyeing her. She awkwardly smiled, standing next to Louge who was now looking at the second top shelf.

"I mean, wow, this school never reaches the point of closing?"

"No, it's funded by the government."

Her mouth formed an 'O' shape at this new fact. "How?"

"Most Yin and Yang users here have their own sponsor. They were not given advance notice, though, due to some government officials preferring to spoil their chosen candidates anonymously. Just like you have one, everyone in this academy has their own sponsor who chose them."

Her brows furrowed in confusion, unease creeping in at the thought of that odd woman personally choosing her. Is this some kind of joke? Maybe not, she thought. How could someone spend millions of dollars just for a joke? Because come to think of it, what did she even do that made that odd woman choose her?

"What 'chosen candidates'?" she tilted her head, her eyes following his movement as he readjusted his katana slung over his shoulder.
"Have you ever been to Organization Sentinel?"

Artesiam nodded, remembering how she had just suddenly appeared in that laboratory like it happened yesterday.

"That organization is run by a group--well, three people--of the world government's officials. They are low-ranking officials, so the high-ranked officials had to be aware of the organization." Louge placed the book under his armpit, proceeding to walk ahead, with Artesiam following him like a lost puppy.

He continued as they made their way to a table far away from where most students sat. "After finding someone like you, they evaluate your strength and abilities, send your information to the board of directors. The said board auctions your information, and whoever gets the highest bid will get to be your sponsor."

Oh, she thought, occupying the seat next to Louge, so the odd woman is a government official? A world government official, one of the board directors?

"That sucks," she mumbled, feeling shame and disappointment at the mere thought of being auctioned like some kind of object.

"The stronger you are, the more likely you are to have a sponsor that spoils you financially, not just paying for your academic fees."

He opened one of the three thick books he took, turning pages as if looking for something.

"How does spoiling a Yin and Yang user benefit them?"

"Don't know. Perhaps military power. When war ensues, they easily win by using a Yin and Yang user's spiritual ability on the battlefield."

Artesiam pondered, isn't that kind of cheating? And using a literal person as a killing machine makes her sick! But isn't that what the military is?

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