< mistake >

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The atmosphere in my room was getting thicker along with the time as none of us dared to break the silence. Afraid of the next words.

Many lies, many truths, many mysteries are dependent on this truth.

After a few more seconds Yoongi finally broke the silence with another lie.

Yoongi: no we're not YN. *Serious*

YN: yes!

Yoongi: noo!

YN: yes!

Yoongi: no!

YN: stop lying hyung, I already know the truth and you just asked me to trust you all but how can I trust you when you hide things like this with me. *furious*

Yoongi: *sigh* ........ How do you know?

YN: *stare at him* so it's true huh?

Yoongi: what? *Wiggled his eyebrows*

YN: I was just guessing but it's true that's mean. *Smirk*

He closed his eyes out of frustration as he fell on my trap and looked at me with defeted eyes.

Yoongi: how?

YN: come on hyung! What kind of work do you have that sometimes you skip schools ? At first I thought you all went to the office but my suspect grew when I found out you're not even in the office and have you seen the aura of this house? Anyone can guess it.... Also once I saw you all coming home at midnight being all tired and was wearing leather clothes. So yeah that's how! *Shrugged my shoulder*

Yoongi: those weren't so obvious points to guess our work. *Duh face*

YN: but I'm smart, you forget. *Wink*

Yoongi: *groan* yeah you smartass... Btw but why did you ask this?*curious*

YN: I actually need your help. *Doe eyes*

He was caught off guard by my sudden pull of act, there were chances of him saying no but I don't think he can resist my cute puppy eyes.

Yoongi: don't do that eyes *hesitate* ok!! What kind of help?

YN: I need someone's information can you get it out for me?

Yoongi: why? *Serious*

YN: .... Hyung. I'll tell you when the time is right. Can you do it? Her info is highly secured so I don't think I can do it alone. I need her and family's whole history.

Yoongi: who is she? *Raised eyebrows*

YN: Lee Rae Ra.


Putting extra effort just to get ready, is such a bullshit. Cause now my mission is to get close to Rae-bin no matter even if I have to flirt with him or fight.

But Yeonjun is making it hard for me. After applying lipstick, I stared at the reflection of mine.

Dress & make up & hair

Dress & make up & hair

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