❥𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 : 3

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1900+ words


As Aya's gaze fell upon the threatening note nestled within her locker, a shiver of trepidation danced down her spine, setting her heart to a rapid, anxious beat.

Clutching the locker handle with a trembling hand, she drew in a slow, steadying breath, attempting to quell the rising tide of panic threatening to overwhelm her. With a soft click, the locker door sealed shut, but the specter of fear lingered, casting a shadow over her thoughts, a tempest of worry swirling within her mind.

Her solitary reverie was abruptly interrupted by a gentle collision, jolting her back to the present moment.

Startled, she turned to find a girl standing before her, a look of genuine concern etched upon her features. "Sorry," Aya murmured, her voice scarcely audible above the thrum of her own apprehension.

Yet, the girl's warm smile and outstretched hand served as a lifeline, drawing her back from the precipice of fear.

"Assalam o alaikum, I'm Qandeel Fatima,"

the girl introduced herself, her voice a soothing balm to Aya's frayed nerves.

Returning the handshake with a grateful nod, Aya offered a tentative smile.

"Walikum Assalam, I'm Aya Khan ,"

she replied, a flicker of relief evident in her voice. Qandeel's presence provided a welcome reprieve from the tempest raging within her, a beacon of warmth amidst the encroaching darkness.

"Are you new here?" Qandeel inquired, her eyes brimming with genuine curiosity.

With a nod, Aya admitted,"Yes, I just started today." Uncertainty tinged her words, a subtle tremor betraying her apprehension.

"Well, don't worry, I'll help you navigate your way around," Qandeel reassured her, her tone infused with genuine kindness.

A swell of gratitude welled within Aya as she offered a heartfelt "Jazak'Allah khair," her heart overflowing with appreciation for Qandeel's compassionate gesture.

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