6.Get off me

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Soda had got off his shift and had walked into the house. I he looked around the room and smiled when he saw me siting on the couch I smiled back of course.

He walked over to me and asked if I was ready.
I responded with a soft "yup" because before he came I already redid my makeup.

When we walked out the door he had noticed I was still wearing his jacket." That jacket sure looks good on you" he said as he looked me in the eye.

Then quickly looked away as he started to blush. As we walked a bit more away from the house he was just about the put his arm around my shoulder until something interrupted him.

Dallas. He had ran in between us to and soda put his arm around his shoulder to not make it awkward put he quickly took it off.

"Hey Dallas" Soda said as he was annoyed on how he ruined the moment between me and him.

"Hey soda I see you're taking out this beautiful broad I couldn't help but wanna join you guys" he said looking at soda seeing him visibly annoyed.

"Yeah she sure is beautiful" he said looking at me at me but Dally blocked me with his head so Soda couldn't see me.

To get rid of some tension I brought up and asked Dally " Where's Johnny and Pony didn't you say they were gonna come with you

"look behide you darling" he said I turned around and when I looked back at him he gave me a small wink.


We finally made it to the drive in none of us paided obviously we just snuck under an opening in the fence some greaser had made a while back.

As we look for someone emptied seats we see a couple seats full in the front so we decided to walk over there and take I seat.

I was gonna sit next to Soda but dally had pushed me away and sat in between us.

I gave Dally a long and hard glare with annoyance in my eyes.

As the movie began Dally had faked yawned so he could put his arm around me.

Soda saw this and his jaw started to clench from jealousy. I noticed so I decided to say " guys me and Soda are gonna get someone popcorn and drinks,you guys want any?".

"Sure get me Pony and Johnny a drink" Dally said. As I grabbed the money from his hand that he stuck out.

Me and soda walked to the kiosk as we grabbed a couple of Pepsi's.

"So Soda how is work" I said looking at him in the eyes making sure we held a steady eye contact.

"pretty good I guess" Soda said awkwardly as he started to run his hand through his hair as his face turned a light kind of pink.

I decided to tease him a little bit so I ran my hand through his hair and said "your hair looks so good today did you do anything different to it"

I said looking at him with doe eyes and batting my eyelashes.

"Well maybe it's the hair oil I guess" he rubbed the back of his neck while looking down trying to attempt to make his face stop from blushing.

I grabbed his chin and made him look up at me and gave him a tiny smile"you know you so handsome right".

His attempt at not blushing had failed as his whole face turned a bright red as we walked up to the register to pay for the drinks.

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