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When I wake up in Christian's room, I forget that I'm in Christian's room. My head hurts a little from the wine and my neck is sore from Ryan's hand. I look to my left and see that I'm in bed alone. I jump at the sound of his voice at the bedroom door.

"I made you breakfast." He tells me softly. Nothing compared to the harshness of Ryan's, even when he's apologizing.

"You made me breakfast?" I ask in shock; I always make breakfast. I follow him downstairs barefoot to the kitchen. He pulls out an island stool for me and places a plate of food in front of me.

"Blueberry french toast?" I ask another question, sadness washing over my face. I begin to cry uncontrollably. I cover my face out of embarrassment and turn myself around on the stool.

"I'm sorry, do you not like that anymore? I can make you something else, just tell me what you want." Christian says in a confused tone. I hear him walk toward me before he pulls my head into his chest. I sob into his chest, covering his grey shirt in tears. After I'm done crying like a child, I breathe into his chest and get myself together. I pat at the tears on my eyes and stare at the floor. I rub my cold feet together and bite my bottom lip. Could I be any more of a mess? I watch Christian grab something off to the side before lifting my right foot against his body. I sit there confused, my hands still covering my face.

He rubs my foot softly before placing a sock on it. He does the same thing to my other foot before reaching for my hands. I move them from my face as he holds them in his hands. I see a sad look in his eyes once he realizes the appreciation in mine from him noticing my feet were cold.

"Do you not like french toast anymore?" He asks, staring into my eyes.

"No one's made me breakfast, let alone my favorite breakfast, in two years." I say so quietly, it's almost inaudible. The same sorry look covers his face. It looks even more sad when he finally gets a good look at my eye.

"I will make you breakfast every day." He tells me and then plants a warm kiss on my forehead. I take a deep breath as he spins my chair back to face the island.

"Thank you for the socks." I whisper as I cut into my perfectly made breakfast. As I begin to stuff my face, he sits next to me.

"You're always so cold." He laughs. He's just a normal man, living a normal life. He doesn't see the romantic gesture I see when he puts socks on for me without me asking for them in the first place.

He's just normal, my kind of normal.

And I'm about to ruin it all if I stay here any longer.

After breakfast, we sit on his beautiful backyard patio that overlooks water. I didn't even notice when we pulled in last night. He hands me a warm latte in a big mug. I sit with my legs crossed in one of his rocking chairs.

"I know it's short notice, but will you be my date to this wedding I'm in tomorrow?" He asks me a few moments later. My face must be red as a cherry right now.

"I would love nothing more." I answer once I catch my breath. "But I don't think it's a good idea."

"I could name a few things right now that aren't good ideas for you, and that isn't one of them." He tells me confidently. I hesitate to look at him, scared of the look on his face. I'm surprised by how delicate his face looks, although I can tell he's angry. The difference is I can tell his anger isn't with me, it's with Ryan.

"You don't know what he's capable of. And you don't know the consequences I'll have to deal with by being here with you."

"You're not understanding me. You're not going back to him. I'm not forcing you to stay here with me, but I can't send you back to him after seeing how he treats you. For fuck's sake, he puts his hands on you, Sarah. I'm sure what I've seen is just the surface."

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