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It's Saturday morning. The ceremony starts at three thirty in the afternoon. It's currently nine in the morning and I'm engulfed in Christian's arms in a rocking chair. He has to be at the groom's parents house by one at the latest to get ready and take photos before the ceremony. It didn't cross my mind until this morning that I don't know how I'll get to the wedding. It also didn't cross my mind that Christian wouldn't be with me for the ceremony. The only good thing is that Ryan will be up there next to Christian and not near me. Although, my palms sweat thinking about them being in a room together, too.

Christian gets ready around noon. I'm sitting on the bed in his bedroom, which I ended up sleeping in again last night. I reluctantly slept in the guest bed for an hour before I started to feel anxious on top of missing his scent. I quietly opened his bedroom door and stuck my head in to find him wide awake with the TV on. A smile was plastered on his face when he looked at me. He didn't say anything, just lifted his hand and motioned with his fingers for me to come over. I fell asleep seconds after my head landed on his chest.

"Listen, I know I won't be with you for a couple of hours and I won't be next to you at the ceremony, but you'll be safe. I'll be watching you and unless it makes you uncomfortable, Jake and Paul will be there, too." He says, breaking me out of my trance. I look at him, standing in black joggers and a matching black hoodie.

"I'll be fine, I think, I should be fine. Will they be sitting down?"

"Yes, you're more than welcome to sit next to them. They'll be dressed normal, no one will know they're not really guests."

"That makes me feel a little better. I just don't like that you have to be near him right now and then stand next to him." I say, making a face.

"I promise I'll be fine, don't worry about me." He kneels down in front of me sitting on the bed and places himself between my legs. He places his hands on my hips before speaking again. "Jake is driving the limo tonight. He's going to drop me off at the groom's parents house, which is only a few minutes away. Paul will be here with you until Jake comes back to pick you up at three."

"Limo?" I ask surprisingly. I haven't been in a limo since high school prom. And Christian just has a limo to drive? He nods his head at my question and smiles.

"I already made sure there's prosecco in it for you." My head feels like it's spinning, in a good way. A limo and prosecco, for me? A body guard, for me? It takes everything in me to not grab his face and pull him in for a kiss. He licks his lips, as if he's thinking the same thing as me. Instead, he places a kiss on my cheek like the perfect gentleman.

"I'll be the girl in the pretty satin dress." I smile. He stands and picks me up, swinging me around the room as I wrap my arms around his neck. When he sets me down on the floor, he looks at my eye and neck again.

"I wish I could have prevented this." He whispers. I shake my head at him.

"Don't do that, it isn't your fault. I got myself into this mess."

"If he ever touches you again, I can't promise to control myself. Nobody will ever touch you again that isn't me." He holds my face and presses his body against mine. I fold into his body, staring up into his eyes with love and passion. I bat my eyes, silently pleading for him to finally kiss me. The corners of his mouth turn up just enough to let me know that he can read me. He knows I like what he said and how he said it. For a moment, it looks like he's going to swoop down and swirl his tongue against mine, but the doorbell rings. I try to hide my frustration as he settles for another forehead kiss. He grabs his suit bag and stands in the doorway.

"I can't wait to see you in your dress." And out of it, I think to myself. Both of our faces turn pink as I smile at him and tilt my head. He's gone a moment later and I'm left in his beautiful house alone.

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