Okay, can you do something for me? Think of something that makes you happy. Do you have it?? Okay what is it? A person, a song? Whatever it is, that's what you need. Keep that thought in mind or that song ready to play. Or the person close at all times of the day. I understand that you'll get this advice almost every day and it'll come in many versions like. " just keep swimming just keep swimming". Look for an escape so then you don't have to deal with peoples bullshit. Be that one person who will smile after sitting in the hell we call school. I'll give you this one little word of advice, if people walk all over you and treat you like shit, call them bitches, bastards, jack asses whatever you can think of. It doesn't have to be smart it doesn't have to make any sense them as long as you know what you mean that's freaking fantastic. If they call you a whore feel free to punch them. And if someone asks why you did it, tell them that you were tired of their bullshit and how they made you feel.
If you ever need someone to talk to, message me please. Im here for you, I'm not going to shut you out I want to make you happy and to feel important. Your absolutely positively the best and the gretest you there can ever be. please let me talk to you, become my friend, if you ever need help through something message me, if you need someone to stand up for you message me. I dont know any of you and i will kick anyone ass for you. You all are very important to me.
Carpe Diem
De TodoI went through some tough times, and I want people who are going through hard times to will read this and feel alittle better knowing their not alone in this battle and they won't be alone in the war.