Sunset Shimmer: I want you to follow them. Bring me something I can use just like I did with that last girls who thought she could challenge us.
Snips: You got it, Sunset Shimmer and Pippa Pirate.
Pippa Pirate: When the crowns and their powers are mine, Twilight Sparkle, Rose Light, and Discord will be sorry they ever set hoof into this world. Not that they would've been much safer if they'd stayed in Equestria.
Snips: Yeah, in Equestria.
Sunset Shimmer: What are you still doing here?! Go!
Snips and Snails: Ow. Oh.
[vending machine creaking]
Twilight Sparkle: [grunts]
Trixie Lulamoon: Excuse me. The Great and Powerful Trixie! ...Needs some peanut butter crackers.
[machine clanks]
Trixie Lulamoon: Voilà!
Rose Light: Sunset Shimmer and Pippa Pirate are right. We don't know the first thing about this place. If we're gonna really fit in and win votes, we need to do some research.
Spike: Research?
Discord: This place has a school. I have to believe it's got a... library!
Snips: Got your phone?
Snails: Got yours?
Snips and Snails: [snickering]
Twilight Sparkle: So I just push the letters here, and then the words and moving pictures will come up here?
Cheerilee: [sigh] That's right.
Rose Light: Maybe this place does have magic.
[music playing]
Scootaloo: [in video] "When you're a younger–"
[music shuts off]
Cheerilee: Uh, girls, what are you doing?
Sweetie Belle: We're just seeing how many hits our new music video has gotten.
Scootaloo: [in video] "So the three of us will fight the fight..."
Cheerilee: [groaning] No, just...
Scootaloo: [in video] "There is nothing–"
[music shuts off]
Cheerilee: No! The school computers are for research purposes only.
Apple Bloom: It's just as well, y'all. Some of the comments about our song were really awful. "Epic fail"... "Funniest thing I've ever seen"?!
Sweetie Belle: Funniest thing they've ever seen, huh?
Discord: Uh, I don't know that that's what you should take from... [sounds of exertion]
Snips and Snails: [snickering]
Twilight Sparkle: Whoa! Whoa! Waah!
Cheerilee: Shhh!
Rose Light: Uh... [nervous laughter]
Snips and Snails: [snickering harder]
Discord: Ugh.
Twilight Sparkle: [yelps]
Voice on P.A. system: The library will be closing in five minutes.
Rose Light: [yawn] [gasp] I hadn't even thought about where we're gonna sleep tonight!
Spike: Way ahead of you. It's a little [cough, cough] dusty. But it doesn't seem like anybody comes up here.
Discord: It's perfect, Spike.
Spike: So, how did all three your research go?
Twilight Sparkle: I found this book. It's called a yearbook. It seems to be something they use to keep a record of things that have happened at the school. Look. That's Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and I'm gonna bet the girl on the far right is Rarity.
Spike: There's a Rarity here!? Uh, I mean, uh... interesting photo.
Rose Light: It's interesting because they look like they're friends.
Spike: They do look like our friends. But I thought we'd figured that out already.
Discord: No, I mean... they look like they're friends with each other. But it doesn't seem like they're friends now.
Spike: Not so much.
Twilight Sparkle: I just can't help but get the feeling that Sunset Shimmer and Pippa Pirate had something to do with it.
Spike: I wouldn't put it past them. But they wanted both of your crowns 'cause they're planning on doing something even worse! If you three are gonna stop them, you three have to focus on making friends here. Can't worry about why these girls aren't friends anymore. Even if they [yawning] do remind you three of your Ponyville friends.
Rose Light: You're right, Spike. [sigh] Eye on the prize.
Equestria Girls
FanfictionRose Light, Twilight, Spike, and Discord pursues a thief into an alternate world where they transform into teenagers. With the help of new friends, Rose, Twi, Spike, and Discord survives their greatest challenge yet -- high school.